Intesco Research Group was addressed by initiators of creation of a company dealing with cargo transportation by road trains with the office in Ufa. According to their idea, project implementation should include:
The initiators of the project set the aim of organizing transportation along the following directions:
It is suggested that in the first period of the company’s operation cargo transportation will be organized only in the direction Moscow-Ufa and Moscow-Chelyabinsk. Then cargo transportation will be organized in other directions.
Project implementation requires using road trains consisting of Lamberet Carrier Vector refrigerator trailers and Scania tractor units.
The company acting as the project initiator has its own transport and has been operating on the market of cargo transportation for about two years. At the moment of filing a request with Intesco Research Group, the total returns from sales for the latest reporting quarter of 2011 amounted to 600 thousand rubles.
Thus, specialists of Intesco Research Group had the task of developing the business plan with the aim of justifying cost effectiveness of opening a transport company and working out the enterprise creation and development program.
First of all, our specialists studied the market of transportations along the above mentioned directions. It turned out that there were many companies offering such services. Correspondingly, successful entry to the market of the new company required having a distinctive feature.
Our specialists suggested the following idea – to create a company that would meet all modern trends of the cargo transportation market:
Based on calculations of our specialists, project implementation will require total investment in the volume of 110 million rubles, including:
The project will be financed with 100% loan funds.
Our specialists calculated the following project effectiveness rates with the planning horizon (accounting period) of 10 years (40 quarters).
The net cash flow, according to the project, amounts to 115 832 thousand rubles (difference between returns and expenses (including taxes) of the enterprise for the planning horizon).
The net present value, according to the project, amounts to 28 913 thousand rubles (the net returns from the project corrected with account for money value changes in time (12% a year) for the planning horizon).
The discounted payback period, i.e. the period required so that returns generated by investments cover investment spending, of the project equals 7.79 years.
The profitability index (PI shows returns for each invested ruble for the planning horizon of the project) of the project equals 1.26.
The internal rate of return (the interest rate at which the net present value equals 0) of the project equals 16.2%. The internal rate of return shows the expected rate of returns for the project.
After the study of the business plan developed by specialists of Intesco Research Group, the initiator company started to implement the project. The group completed the whole company’s operation cycle in a year and a half.
There were developed communications with customers that required transportation services and independent agents who deal with such services. Also, based on recommendation of Intesco Research Group, a system of using internet resources for faster search for additional convenient transportation orders was developed on the basis of customer and cargo flow databases.
Despite a small vehicle fleet, the company pays a lot of attention to possibilities of obtaining new and more effective transportation orders, retaining and increasing the customer base.
This, in its turn, makes it possible to select among the great number of customer requests, vary and achieve effectiveness by replacing the quantity of orders with their quality.
At the given moment the company successfully operates in the field of transportation by road trains, in the way it was planned.
You can order development of a business plan for your project by calling at +7 (495) 212-91-91 or filling in a request at the website, after which our manager will call you.
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