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Juices and nectars. Russian market of juices and nectars - forecast for 2013-2016

Juices and nectars. Russian market of juices and nectars - forecast for 2013-2016

Price английской версии:
59 850 RUB

Price of English version:
1 931$

Price английской версии:
59 850 RUB

Price of English version:
1 931$




Subject of research:


Goal of research:


Regions of research:


Basic units of research:


The largest Russian enterprises profiled:

The largest enterprises are presented by production volume, financial activity, sheet balances, profit and loss statements, cash-flow statements, subsidiaries and other information.

Information sources used:

Federal State Statistics Service
Ministry of Economic Development of RF
Federal Custom Service
Federal Tax Service
Evaluation of Experts of the Branch
Retail sales statements
Data of the main players of the branch
Printed and electronic publications of the branch

The research contains 139 Schedules, 117 Diagrams, 159 Tables, 1 Scheme



In 2012 retail sales of soft drinks reached ***,1 bln. rubles. This is by 1*,5% more than in the previous year, when sales of products just slightly exceeded the rates of 2010.
In its turn, the post-crisis 2010 was marked by high increase rate by *5,5%. Sales growth was provided by both growing prices for beverages and increase of volumes of products selling. During the crisis prices for juice concentrates grew significantly, while cost for juices and nectars grew due to rising of costs for raw materials.
Central FD

Volga FD

North Caucasian FD

Far Eastern FD

Ural FD

North Western FD

Southern FD

Siberian FD

According to the results of 2012, share of Central FD in 2012 was equal to 36% of the gross proceeds from retail sales of soft drinks. Volga region provided 16% of retail. Shares of North-Western, Southern and Siberian districts amounted to 11% each.
Change of structure of retail sales of soft drinks by federal districts of RF in cost terms in 2009 – 2012, %

In 2009 – 2012 structure of retail sales of soft drinks was changing: in 2010 share of Central FD reduced appreciably (by ** p.p.), at that share of Southern FD was equal to share of CFD and amounted to **%. At the same time in 2009 share of Southern FD (together with North-Caucasian) was equal to 1*%.
Shares of other districts in 2010 reduced by 1-3 p.p. in 2011 retail sales in Southern FD decreased; its share reduced by ***.


During 2007 – 2009 production of fruit and vegetable juices (baby juices not included) reduced significantly in Russia. If in 2006 ***,4 mln. nominal packs of products were manufactured, by 2009 this rate was twice less. Domestic production of juices depends much on import of foreign concentrated juice products. In 2008 – 2009 import volumes were characterized by negative dynamics; at that increase rates themselves were decreasing gradually.
Within the period researched the minimum was marked in 2011 – 2 668 mln. nominal packs of fruit and vegetables juices, that is by 12,3% less than production in the previous year. Positive trend was outlined only in the past 2012, when Russian manufacturers supplied the market with 2 989,6 mln. nominal packs of the product.

In 2009 more than **% of juice production, baby juices and nectars excluding, was focused on fruit juices output. For 2010-2011 share of vegetable juices started increasing and reached **,2%, however in 2012 due to higher increase rates in the segment of fruit juices, their presence consolidated again by 0,3 p.p. in comparison with 2011.

Vegetable juices
Fruit juices

Change of structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009 – 2012, %


In 2012 ***,5 ths. tons of fruit and vegetable juices, worth a total of *** mln. dollars, were delivered to Russian market. It should be noted, if in 2011 in physical terms deliveries volume reduced by 17%, in cost terms rates kept growing (+13%) in the same year.
Mainly concentrated juice products are imported on Russian market. Despite Russian production of apple juice is mainly based on domestic raw materials, a part of concentrates are also to be bought in other countries.
The largest categories of products imported by Russia are apple and orange juices. The sections below contain information volumes of fruit and berries juices with different degree Brix reflecting product’s concentration degree.

As for fruit juices with Brix lower than 20 (lower than 30 – for grape juice), grapefruit and other citrus juices (except for orange) are imported in almost equal volumes. In 2012 1 *** and 1 **** tons were imported correspondingly. 6 301 tons and 6 629 tons of apple and orange juices were imported correspondingly. Two last categories were marked by increase of deliveries volumes by 20,4% and 14,1%.
in physical terms, ths. t
in cost terms, mln. dollars
Dynamics of import of fruit and vegetable juices in physical and cost terms in 2007 -2012


Private labels
Low price segment
During the last two years a trend to reduction of premium juices is observed, while consumption of low-budget products is on the contrary growing.
Middle price
Consumers’ preferences by price categories of juice in 2008 – 2011, %
In 2011 the mass and the lowest price segments constituted *0% of the market. Buying juices of these segments makes those Russia citizens who could not afford juices due to financial reasons a part of juices consumers.
In 2011 in the structure of preferences share of premium products took only 1*,1%, while private trade marks - *,5%. Brands Private label becomes more and more popular due to low price (27,5 rub/l at an average) and also growing number of stores of "discounter" type and neighboring stores, where PLs constitute a significant part of assortment. According to the experts’ estimations, share of Private labelled products grew from *,9% in 2011 to *,3% in 2012 on the market of juices.





1.1. Population of Russia
Dynamics of population
The largest cities
Social standards of living
Economic activity
1.2. Economic situation
Dynamics of economic development
Stability of the state budget
1.3. Position of Russia in the world
Share of RF in the population of the world
2.1. Characteristics of products
2.2. Classification
Classification by All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity, Products and Services
Classification by Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities
Classification by the method raw materials processed
3.1. Volumes of the market of juice products by countries worldwide
3.2. Juices consumption by countries worldwide
3.3. Preferences by juices tastes
3.4. Market of orange juice
3.5. World market of apple juice
4.1.Dynamics of market volume
4.2. Import share on the market
4.3. Consumption of fruit juices and nectars in Russia
5.1. By types of products
5.2. By raw materials type
5.3. By price categories

6.1. Structure of retail sales by types of drinks
6.2. Dynamics of retail sales by years
6.3. Dynamics of retail sales by quarters
6.4. Structure of retail sales by federal districts
6.5. The largest regions of RF by retail sales
7.1. Dynamics of wholesales by years
7.2. Dynamics of wholesales by quarters
7.3. Structure of wholesales by federal districts
7.4. The largest regions of RF by wholesales
11.1. Structure of the market by the largest players
11.2. The PepsiCo Company
«Lebedyansky», OJSC
«Wimm-Bill-Dann», OJSC
11.3.The Coca-Cola Company
«Multon», CJSC
«Nidan Juices», OJSC
11.4.Sady Pridonia
11.5. Structure of the market by brands
13.1. Dynamics of gross yield of fruit and berries and grape
13.2. Structure of gross yield by types of fruit and berries
13.3. Dynamics of gross yield of vegetables
13.4. Structure of gross yield by types of vegetables
14.1. Fruit and vegetable juices
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Structure of production by groups
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.2.Fruit juices
Structure of production by types
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.3. Non-concentrated fruit juices mixtures
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.4. Concentrated fruit juices mixtures
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.5. Non-concentrated vegetable juices mixtures
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.6. Apple juice
Share of concentrated juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.7. Tomato juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.8.Tropical juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.9.Orange juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.10. Grapefruit juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.11. Cherry and sweet cherry juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.12. Grape juice
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
14.13 Fruit and vegetable juices and their mixtures
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
15.1. Fruit nectars and juice drinks
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
15.2. Vegetable and fruit and vegetable nectars (vegetable drinks)
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
15.3. Baby food juices
Dynamics of production volumes by years
Dynamics of production volumes by months
Production volumes by federal districts of RF
Structure of production by federal districts of RF
Production volumes in regions of RF
16.1. Fruit and vegetable juices
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.2. Fruit nectars
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.3. Baby fruit juices
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.4. Concentrated fruit juices
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.5. Directly squeezed juices
Mono-fruit juices
Multi-fruit juices
16.6. Reconstituted juices
Mono-fruit juices
Multi-fruit juices
16.7. The largest Russian producers of vegetable juices
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.8. The largest Russian producers of vegetable nectars (drinks)
By production volume
By proceeds volume
16.9. The largest Russian producers of tomato juice
16.10. Proceeds and profitablity of enterprises by type of activity
17.1. Fruit and vegetable juices (in total)
Structure of Russian import of fruit juices, non-concentrated, low concentrated by types
17.2. Orange juice
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import of ready juice by years
Dynamics of import volume of ready juice by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.3. Grapefruit juice
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.4. Other citrus fruit juices
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.5. Pineapple juice
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.6. Grape juice
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.8. Tomato juice
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.9. Juices mixtures
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
17.10. Other vegetables and fruits juices
Dynamics of import by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Import volume by supplying countries
Structure of import by supplying countries
18.1. Fruit and vegetable juices (in total)
Structure of Russian export of fruit juices, non-concentrated, low concentrated by types
18.2. Orange juice
Structure of export by types
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.3. Grapefruit juice
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.4. Other citrus fruit juices
Dynamics of export by years
Export volume by countries of destination
18.5. Pineapple juice
Structure of export by types
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.6. Grape juce
Structure of export by types
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.7. Apple juice
Structure of export by types
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.8. Tomato juice
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.9. Juices mixtures
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
18.10. Other vegetables and fruits juices
Dynamics of export by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Export volume by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
Dynamics of average producers prices by years
Dynamics of average producers prices by months
19.2. Fruit and vegetable juices
Dynamics of average producers prices by years
Dynamics of average producers prices by months
20.1. Dynamics of average retail prices for baby juices by years
20.2. Dynamics of average retail prices for baby juices by months
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volumes
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volumes
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volumes
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volumes
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
22.1. Consumers’ preferences by juices brands
22.2. Preferences by juices flavours
22.3. Preferences by price categories of juice products
22.4. Frequency of purchase of juices and nectars
22.5. Criteria of juice choice
22.6. Preferences by juices and nectars packs




List of schedules:

1. Population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012 , ths. people.
2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three variants of forecast in 2011 – 2031, ths. people
3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of population and its annual rate of growth in 2000- 2012, %
4. Dynamics of dependency ratio in three variants of forecast in 2011 - 2031
5. Dynamics of unemployment share in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006- 2012, %
6. Dynamics of GDP in money terms of 2008 in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln. rubles
7. Investments into the capital stock in RF in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln. rubles.
8. Dynamics of surplus/ deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006- 2012, % to GDP
9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2009- 2013 (as for January, 1). mln. dollars
10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year
11. Dynamics of population of Russia and the world in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2100, mln. people
12. Share of RF in world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %
13. Dynamics of the market of juice products by countries worldwide in 2007 – 2011, bln. dollars
14. Volumes of packed juices and nectars consumption by some countries in 2012, mln. l
15. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of concentrated apple juice in EC countries in 2009 – 2011, ths. tons
16. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars in 2009- 2012, mln. l
17. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars, including baby juices in 2009- 2012, mln. l
18. Consumption of juices and nectars in Russia per head of population in 2009-2012, l per capita.
19. Dynamics of retail sales of soft drinks in Russia in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
20. Dynamics of retail sales of soft drinks by quarters in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
21. The largest regions of RF by volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in 2012, bln. rubles
22. Dynamics of retail sales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in Russia in 2009 - 2012, mln. dkl
23. Dynamics of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks by quarters in 2009 - 2012, mln. dkl
24. Juices consumers’ preferences by points of purchase in Moscow in 2012, %
25. Dynamics of gross yield of fruit and berry crops and grapes on the territory of RF in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
26. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in physical terms in 2006 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
27. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices by months in 2009 – 2013, ths. nominal packs
28. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
29. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of fruit juices by months in 2009- Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
30. Dynamics of volume Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
31. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
32. Dynamics of volume Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
33. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes by months May 2009 - Feb. 2012, ths. nominal packs
34. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of non-concentrated vegetable juice mixes in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
35. Dynamics of volume Russian production of non-concentrated vegetable juices by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, ths. nominal packs
36. Dynamics of volume Russian production of apple juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
37.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of apple juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
38. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of apple juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
39. Dynamics of volume Russian production of tomato juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
40. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of tomato juice by months in 2010 – Jan. 2013, ths. nominal packs
41. Dynamics of volume Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
42. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
43. Dynamics of volume Russian production of orange juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
Schedule 44. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of orange juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
45. Dynamics of volume Russian production of grapefruit juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
46. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of grapefruit juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
47. Dynamics of volume Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
48. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
49. Dynamics of volume Russian production of grape juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
50. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of grape juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
51. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in physical terms in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
52. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings by months in 2010-Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
53. Dynamics of volume o Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
54. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks by months in 2009-Feb.2013, ths nominal packs
55. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in physical terms in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
56. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars by months in 2008-Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
57. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of juices for babies in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
58. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of juices for babies by months in 2009-Feb 2013,ths nominal packs
59. Dynamics of production volumes of fruit and vegetable juices on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, ths nominal packs
60. Dynamics of fruit and vegetable juices import in physical and cost terms in 2007-2012
61. Dynamics of Russian import of orange juice in 2007- 2012, tons
62. Dynamics of Russian import of orange juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
63. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of orange juice by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
64. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of orange juice by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
65. Dynamics of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007 – 2012, tons
Schedule 66. Dynamics of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
Schedule 67. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
68. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars.
69. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, tons
70. Dynamics of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
71. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, tons
72. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, ths dollars
73. Dynamics of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
74. Dynamics of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
75. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
76. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
77. Dynamics of Russian import of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
78. Dynamics of Russian import of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
79. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
80. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
81. Dynamics of Russian import of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
82. Dynamics of Russian import of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
83. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
84. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009-Jan 2013, ths dollars
85. Dynamics of Russian import of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, tons
86. Dynamics of Russian import of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
87. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, tons
88. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
89. Dynamics of Russian import of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, tons
90. Dynamics of Russian import of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
91. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, tons
92. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
93. Dynamics of export of fruit and vegetable juices (in total) in physical and cost terms in 2007-2012.
94. Dynamics of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
95. Dynamics of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
96. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
97. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
98. Dynamics of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
99. Dynamics of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
100. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
101. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
102. Dynamics of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, tons
103. Dynamics of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
104. Dynamics of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
105. Dynamics of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
106. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
107. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
108. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
109. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
110. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
111. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
112. Dynamics of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
113. Dynamics of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
114. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
115. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
116. Dynamics of Russian export of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, tons
117. Dynamics of Russian export of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
118. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, tons
119. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
120. Dynamics of Russian export of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, tons
121. Dynamics of Russian export of juices mixtures in 2007- 2011, ths. dollars
122. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, tons
123. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
124. Dynamics of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in 2007- 2011, tons.
125. Dynamics of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in 2007- 2011, ths dollars.
126. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of other vegetables and fruit juices in 2007- 2011, tons
127. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by months in 2007- 2011, ths dollars
128. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF in 2010-2012, rub/ths. nominal packs
129. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF by months in 2010- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
130. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF in 2007-2012, rub/ths. nominal packs
131. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF by months in 2007- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
132. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF in 2007- 2012, rub/l
133. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF by months in 2007 – Feb. 2013, rub/l
134. Drinks consumed by Russia citizens during a day, %
135. Juices consumers’ preferences by juices and nectars brands among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
136. Juices consumers’ preferences by juices and nectars flavours among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
137. Factors affecting juices choice in 2007 and 2011, %
138. Criteria of juices and nectars choice among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
139. Increase rates of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars in 2011- 2012 and forecast for 2013 -2016, %

List of diagrams

1. Structure of population of Russia to working age in 2011 - 2031, % (middle variant of forecast)
2. Dynamics of employed and unemployed in Russia in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2013 - 2015, mln. people
3. Change of structure of external debt of RF in 2009- 2013 (as of January, 1), %
4. Consumers’ preferences by types of juices in EU countries in 2010, %
5. Structure of concentrate apple juice by EU countries in 2011, %
6. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of juices and nectars in physical terms in 2009-2012, %
7. Structure of the market of fruit and vegetable juices by types of products in 2011 – 2012, %
8. Structure of the market of juices by production type in 2010 – 2011,%
9. Structure of the market of fruit and vegetable juices by price segments in 2011 – 2012, %
10. Structure of soft drinks consumption in 2011, %
11. Change of regional structure of retail sales of soft drinks in cost terms in RF in 2009 - 2012, %
12. Structure of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in physical terms by federal districts of RF in 2011 - 2012, %
13. Regional structure of wholesales of fruit and vegetables juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in physical terms in 2012, %
14. Structure of the market of juices by the largest manufacturing companies in physical terms in 2010 – 2012,%
15. Structure of the market of juices by the largest companies in physical terms in 2012 – 2012,%
16. Structure of the market of juices and nectars by the largest brands in 2012, %
17. Structure of sales of juice products by distribution channels in 2011 – 2012, %
18. Dynamics of gross yield of vegetables grown on open ground and under glass on the territory of RF in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
19. Structure of gross yield of vegetables by categories of farms in 2012*, %
20. Structure of gross yield of vegetables by categories in 2012*, %
21. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009-2012, %
22. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
23. Change of regional structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009-2012, %
24. Structure of Russian production of fruit juices by types in 2012, %
25. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit juices by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
26. Change of regional structure of Russian production of fruit juices in 2009-2012, %
27. Change of structure of Russian production of non- concentrated fruit juice mixes by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
28. Change of regional structure of Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in 2010-2012, %
29. Change of structure of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
30. Change of regional structure of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in 2010-2012, %
31. Change of structure of Russian production of non- concentrated vegetable juice mixes by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
32. Change of regional structure of Russian production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in 2009-2012, %
33. Change of structure of Russian production of apple juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
34. Change of regional structure of Russian production of apple juice in 2010-2012, %
35. Change of structure of Russian production of tomato juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
36. Change of regional structure of Russian production of tomato juice in 2010-2012, %
37. Change of structure of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
38. Change of regional structure of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices in 2010-2012, %
39. Change of structure of Russian production of orange juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
40. Change of regional structure of Russian production of orange juice in 2010-2012, %
41. Change of structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
42. Change of regional structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice in 2010-2012, %
43. Change of structure of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
44. Change of regional structure of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in 2010-2012, %
45. Change of structure of Russian production of grape juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
46. Change of regional structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice in 2010-2012, %
47. Change of structure of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
48. Change of regional structure of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in 2010-2012, %
49. Change of structure of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
50. Change of regional structure of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 51. Change of structure of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
52. Change of regional structure of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in 2009-2012, %
53. Change of structure of Russian production of juices for babies by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
54. Change of regional structure of Russian production of juices for babies in 2009-2012, %
55. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009, %
56. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of baby fruit juices in 2009, %
57. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of concentrated fruit juices in 2009, %
58. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of directly squeezed juices in 2009, %
59. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of directly squeezed multifruit juices in 2009, %
60. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of reconstituted monofruit juices in 2009, %
61. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all- Russian production of vegetable juices in 2009, %
62. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all- Russian production of vegetable nectars (drinks) in 2009, %
63. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
64. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
65. Structure of Russian import of orange juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
66. Structure of Russian import of orange juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
67. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
68. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
69. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
70. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
71. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
72. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
73. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
74. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
75. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
76. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
77. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
78. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
79. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
80. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
81. Structure of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
82. Structure of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
83. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
84. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
85. Structure of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
86. Structure of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
87. Change of structure of Russian import of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
88. Change of structure of Russian import of tomato juice in cost terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
89. Structure of Russian import of juices mixtures by types in physical terms in 2009 - 2012, %
90. Change of structure of Russian import of juices mixtures in cost terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
91. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
92. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
93. Structure of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
94. Structure of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
95. Structure of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
96. Structure of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
97. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
98. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
99. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
100. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
101. Structure of Russian export of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
102. Structure of Russian export of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
103. Structure of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
104. Structure of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
105. Structure of Russian export of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
106. Structure of Russian export of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
107. Structure of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
108. Structure of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
109. Change of structure of Russian export of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin (Kazakhstan excluded) in 2009-2012, %
110. Change of structure of Russian export of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin (Kazakhstan excluded) in 2011-2012, %
111. Structure of Russian export of juices mixtures in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %.
112. Structure of Russian export of juices mixtures in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %.
113. Structure of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in physical terms by countries of destination in 2011, %
114. Structure of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in cost terms by countries of destination in 2011, %
115. Consumers’ preferences by price categories of juice in 2008 – 2011, %
116. Frequency of juices purchases in Moscow among consumers (at least one purchase a month) in 2012, %
117. Consumers’ preferences by juices (nectars) package, %
List of tables
1. Population of the largest cities of Russia according to Census of 2002 and 2010 as for January, 1, 2013, ths. people
2. Volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in federal districts of RF in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
3. Volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, ths. rubles
4. Volumes of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in 2011 - 2012, mln. dollars
5. Volumes of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in regions of RF in 2011 - 2012, ths. dollars
6. Gross yields of fruit and berry crops and grapes by types in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
7. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices in federal districts of RF in 2007-2012, ths nominal packs
8. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices in regions of RF in 2007-2012, ths nominal packs
9. Volumes of production of fruit juices by types in 2010 – 2012, ths nominal packs
10. Volumes of production of fruit juices in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
11. Volumes of production of fruit juices in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
12. Volumes of production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
13. Volumes of production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
14. Volumes of production of concentrate fruit juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
15. Volumes of production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
16. Volumes of production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in regions of RF in 2009- Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
17. Volumes of production of concentrated vegetable juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
18. Volumes of production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
19. Volumes of Russian production of concentrate apple juice by regions and federal districts in 2010-2012, ths. nominal packs
20. Volumes of production of apple juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
21. Volumes of production of apple juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
22. Volumes of production of tomato juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
23. Volumes of production of tomato juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
24. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
25. Volumes of production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
26. Volumes of production of orange juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
27. Volumes of production of orange juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
28. Volumes of production of grapefruit juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
29. Volumes of production of grapefruit juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
30. Volumes of production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
31. Volumes of production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
32. Volumes of production of grape juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
33. Volumes of production of grape juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
34. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
35. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in the regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
36. Production volumes of nectars and other fruit drinks in federal districts of RF in 2009–2012, ths nominal packs
37. Production volumes of nectars and other fruit drinks in regions of RF in 2009–2012, ths nominal packs
38. Production volumes of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in federal districts of RF in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
39. Production volumes of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in regions of RF in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
40. Volumes of production of juices for babies in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
41. Volumes of production of juices for babies in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
42. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, ths nominal packs
43. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit nectars in 2007-2011, ths rubles
44. Volumes of production of fruit nectars by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
45. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit nectars in 2007-2011, ths rubles
46. Volumes of production of baby fruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
47. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit baby juices in 2007-2011, ths rubles
48. Volumes of production of concentrated fruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
49. Volumes of production of concentrated apple juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
50. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of concentrated fruit juices in 2007-2011, ths rubles
51. Volumes of production of directly squeezed juices from one type of fruit by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
52. Volumes of production of directly squeezed multifruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
53. Volumes of production of reconstituted monofruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
54. Volumes of production of reconstituted multifruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
55. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of reconstituted multifruit juices in 2009, %
56. Volumes of production of vegetable juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
57. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2006-2011, ths rubles.
58. Volumes of production of vegetable nectars (drinks) by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
59. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of vegetable nectars (drinks) in 2006-2011, ths rubles
60. Production volumes of tomato juices and proceeds by the largest Russian producers
61. Rating of enterprises with the main type of activity by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities “Production of fruit and vegetable juices” by proceeds rate
62. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices by types in physical terms in 2007-2012, tons.
63. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices by types in cost terms in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
64. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
65.Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
66. Volumes of Russian import of orange juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
67. Volumes of Russian import of orange juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
68. Structure of Russian import of grapefuit juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
69.Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
70. Volumes of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
71. Volumes of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
72. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, tons
73. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
74. Volumes of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by supplying countries in 2007 - 2012, tons
75. Volumes of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by supplying countries in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
76. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
77.Structure of Russian import of pineapple t juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
78. Volumes of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
79. Volumes of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
80. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
81.Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
82. Volumes of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
83. Volumes of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
84. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
85.Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
86. Volumes of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
87. Volumes of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
88. Volumes of Russian import of tomato juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
89. Volumes of Russian import of tomato juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
90. Volumes of Russian import of juices mixtures by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
91. Volumes of Russian import of juices mixtures by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
92. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices ready for use in physical terms by types in 2007-2012, tons
93. Volumes of Russian export of fruit and vegetable juices ready for use in cost terms by types in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
94. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
95. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
96. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
97. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
98. Volumes of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
99. Volumes of Russian export of graprfruit juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
100. Volumes of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of destination in 2007 - 2012, tons
101. Volumes of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of destination in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
102. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
103. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
104. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
105. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
106. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
107. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
108. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
109. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
110. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
111. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
112. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
113. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
114. Volumes of Russian export of tomato juice by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, tons
115. Volumes of Russian export of tomato juice by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
116. Volumes of Russian export of juices mixtures by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, tons
117. Volumes of Russian export of juices mixtures by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
118. Volumes of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by countries of destination in 2007- 2011, tons
119. Volumes of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by countries of destination in 2007- 2011, ths dollars
120. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF by months in 2010- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
121. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF by months in 2007- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
122. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF by months in 2007 – Feb. 2013, rub/l
123. Number of employees of «WBD Drinks», OJSC, people
124. Subsidiaries of “WBD Drinks", OJSC
125. Shareholders of “WBD DRINKS”, OJSC
126. Production volumes of «WBD Drinks», OJSC
127. Balance sheet of “WBD Drinks", OJSC, ths. rubles
128. Profit and loss statement of “WBD Drinks”, OJSC, ths. rubles
129. Cash-flow statement of “WBD Drinks", OJSC, ths. rubles
130. Financials of “WBD Drinks”, OJSC
131. Number of employees of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, people
132. Subsidiaries of “Nidan-Gross”, LLC
133. Shareholders of “Nidan-Gross”, LLC
134. Production volumes of «Nidan-Gross», LLC
135. Balance sheet of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
136. Profit and loss statement of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
137. Cash-flow statement of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
138. Financials of «Nidan-Gross», LLC
139. Number of employees of «Lebedyansky» OJSC, people
140. Subsidiaries of “Lebedyansky", OJSC
141. Shareholders/founders of “Lebedyansky", OJSC
142. Production volumes of «Lebedyansky», OJSC
143. Balance sheet of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC, ths rubles
144. Profit and loss statement of “Lebedyansky” OJSC, ths. rubles
145. Cash-flow statement of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC, ths. rubles
146. Financials of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC
147. Subsidiaries of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC
148. Shareholders of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC
149. Balance sheet of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC, ths. rubles
150. Profit and loss statement of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC, ths. rubles
151. Cash-flow statement of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC, ths. rubles
152. Financials of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC
153. Subsidiaries of “Progress", OJSC
154. Shareholders/ founders of “Progress", OJSC
155. Production volumes of «Progress», OJSC
156. Balance sheet of “Progress”, OJSC, ths rubles
157. Profit and loss statement of “Progress”, OJSC, ths. rubles
158. Cash-flow statement of “Progress”, OJSC, ths. rubles
159. Financials of “Progress”, OJSC

List of figures:

1.Allocation of juices and nectars by the main brands of the largest players

List of schemes:

1. Classification of juices by method of production and fruit and vegetables proceeded

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