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Federal State Statistics Service
Ministry of Economic development of RF
Ministry of Transport of RF
Federal Customs Service
Federal Tax Service
Field expert evaluations
Reports on retailing
Materials of the field’s main players
Data of professional associations
Field print and electronic publications
The research contains 96 schedules, 96 diagrams and 102 tables.
In the world practice commercial transport includes freight motor vehicles (large, with or without trailers), buses and cars used in commercial activity (including cargo vans). In fact, world practice divides motor vehicles into light and commercial and the last one are divided into freight motor vehicles, buses and other.
Prior to 2007 inclusive, production volume of commercial motor vehicles in the world slightly increased. Until 2004 this increase was constant, as a result production volume amounted to almost 20 mln items. In 2005-2006 growth of world economy slightly decreased, there was noticed a slight decrease in some parts of the industry, that affected the commercial motor vehicles production. In 2007 the world economy overheating began, which led to financial crisis and production volume of commercial motor vehicles exceeded 20 mln items.
The drop in production in 2008-2009 was significant – the decrease amounted to 6 mln items (30% of the parameter of 2007). But in 2010 the demand recovery led to production recovery to the level above19 mln items, and in 2011 – it was at the same level.
Different countries have responded differently to the market changes in 2006-2011. The largest growth was shown by China, production volume of which increased by 2,6 mln of motor vehicles and led to a significant displacement of the USA (-1,7 mln items).production growth was also significant in Brazil, Thailand, India and Iran. However, production volume of traditional countries producing motor vehicles decreased significantly: Japan, Spain, France, Germany and Italy. These changes were caused primarily by production facilities transfer from Europe to the territory of developing countries.
3.Production volume of commercial motor vehicles in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2006-2011, items
In 2008 the volume of Russian motor vehicles market reached its peak in *** billion rubles. The economic crisis of 2008-2009 led to the decrease of the volume by more than one billion rubles – *** mln rubles.Growth in 2010 was also significant – the market increased ***, and amounted to *** million rubles.
In 2009 Russian products had the minimum share on the Russian market – only ***%. But as a result of the crisis and lowered demand for more expensive foreign cars its share increased and in 2010 it amounted to 56% of the market volume.
During all the surveyed period the share of domestic production was decisive in the market structure, import and export had extremely small market shares. In the crisis 2009 production decrease amounted to ***%of the total decrease of the market volume.
Over 99,9% of Russian production in 2011 was concentrated in Volga FD. 54% of products were produces in Nizhniy Novgorod Region, ***% - in Ulyanovsk and ***% - in Samara Regions. ***% was produced in Republic of Udmurtia. The remaining regions had insignificant shares in the production volume.
During the last decade the situation of AvtoVAZ on the market was gradually deteriorating. In 1998-2000 this plant had over two thirds of the Russian production. Subsequently this share gradually decreased giving way to production of other regions of Russia. The first brief recession occurred in November 2002, when AvtoVAZ had only ***% of motor vehicles produced in Russia. Then its share has leveled off quickly and its gradual decrease began. In March 2007 AvtoVAZ produced less than *** of all Russian products for the surveyed period. In first 9 months of 2011…
The similar dynamics, which was not so dramatic and given coverage in mass media, followed the share of *** – if in 1998 its share in Russian production was much more ***%, by 2011 it decreased to ***%.
Their share was taken by “new automotive regions” – Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Kaluga, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, where assembly production of foreign cars actively developed.
1.1. Population of Russia
Number of population
The largest cities
Social standards of living dynamics
Economic activity
1.2. Economic situation
Dynamics of economic development
Stability of the state budget
1.3. Situation of Russia in the world
Share of RF in the world population
2.1. Description of the market
Historical reference
Classification of motor vehicles
2.2. Classifiers used
Classification by ARCP
Classification by ARCPEA
Classification by FEA CN
2.3. Methodological annotation
Foreign trade
Russian producers
Execution of tables
3.1. Motor vehicles market
Production volume of motor vehicles
The largest producers
The largest countries of production
3.2. Market of commercial carrier
Production of motor vehicles by countries of the world
The largest producers
3.3. Freight transport market
Production of motor vehicles by countries of the world
3.4. Market of buses
Production of buses by countries of the world
The largest producers
4.1. Volume of motor vehicles market
Market volume by years
Market structure
4.2. Market volume of freight transport
Market volume by years
Market structure
4.3. Volume of freight traffic in Russia
Volume of freight traffic
Volume of freight turnover
4.4. Volume of freight traffic motor vehicles
Volume of freight traffic
Volume of freight turnover
4.5. Medium range of freight transportation
5.1. Production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
5.2. Production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by regions
5.3. Buses
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
5.4. Motor vehicles of special purpose
Production volume by years
Production volume by categories
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
5.5. Trailer cars
Production volume by months
Production volume by categories
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
5.6. The largest Russian producers of freight transport until 2008
6.1. Freight motor vehicles in general
Dynamics of import volume by years
Import stucture by categories
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.2. Off-road tip-trucks
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.3. Diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.4. Diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.5. Diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.6.Loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by countries
6.7.Loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons
Dynamics of import volume by years
6.8. Other freight motor vehicles
Dynamics of import volume by years
7.1. Freight motor vehicles in general
Dynamics of export volume by years
Export structure by categories
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.2. Off-road tip-trucks
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.3. Diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.4. Diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.5. Diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.6.Loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
7.7.Loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by countries
8.1. Price for motor vehicles by the main categories
Dynamics of price by years
8.2. Price for motor vehicles of Russian producers
Dynamics of price by years
Dynamics of price by months
8.3. Price for freight transport of Russian producers
Dynamics of price by years
8.4. Consumer price for new domestic motor vehicles
Dynamics of price by years
Dynamics of price by months
8.5. Consumer price for new imported motor vehicles
Dynamics of price by years
Dynamics of price by months
8.6. Consumer price for second-hand imported motor vehicle
Dynamics of price by years
Dynamics of price by months
8.7. Consumer price for motor vehicles composed in RF
Dynamics of price by years
Dynamics of price by months
9.1.Trends on the motor vehicles market
Change of structure of Russian producers
Production of foreign cars on the territory of Russia
9.2. Road-transport infrastructure of Russia
Length of highways
Density of highways
9.3. Enterprises of road-transport infrastructure of Russia
9.4. Market of car services
9.5. Market of automotive cars
General characteristics of the market
Market volume
Market structure
9.6. Market of car washes
Russian market of car washes
Car washes market of Moscow
Capacity of Russian market of car washes
10.1. Motor vehicles
10.2. Custom fees
10.3. Development plan of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of RF
General characteristics of the branch
Characteristics of Russian producers
Forecast for market development
10.4. Highway transportation facilities
11.1. Distribution of the largest enterprises by regions of RF
11.2. Rating of producers of freight transport by the volume of revenues
11.3. «GAZ», «URAL» JSC
11.4. «ZIL» JSC
11.5. «KAMAZ» JSC
11.6. «Sollers» JSC
11.7. «TAGAZ» LLC
12.1. «GAZ» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statemen
Cash flow statement
12.2. «KAMAZ» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
12.3. «UAZ» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
12.4. «AZ» URAL» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
12.5. «TAGAZ» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
13.1. Market of motor vehicles
13.2. Freight motor vehicles
13.3. Volume of freight turnover
1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people
2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %
3. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people
4. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %
5. Dynamics of GDP in prices of 2003 in 2002-2010, billion dollars
6. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010
7. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %
8. Dynamics of total external debt of RF 2001-2010
9. Consumer prices index in RF 2001-2010, %
10. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100
11. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2011-2016, %
12. Production volume of motor vehicles in the world in 1999-2010, mln items.
13. Dynamics of production volume of commercial motor vehicles in the world in 2001-2011, mln items
14. Dynamics of production structure of commercial motor vehicles in the world by the largest producers in 2001-2011, %
15. Dynamics of production volume of freight transport in the world in 2004-2011, mln items
16. Dynamics of production structure of freight transport in the world by the largest producers in 2004-2011, %
17. Dynamics of production volume of buses in the world in 2004-2011, mln items
18. Dynamics of production structure of buses in the world by the largest producers in 2004-2011, %
19. Volume of Russian market of motor vehicles в 2006-2011, mln rubles
20. Dynamics of production import and export of motor vehicles in RF in 1998-2011, mln rubles
21. Volume of Russian market of freight transport in 2006-2011, mln rubles
22. Dynamics of production, import and export of freight transport in RF in 1998-2011, mln rubles
23. Dynamics of volume of freight transportations in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2010, mln tons
24. Dynamics of volume of freight transportations in RF in 2006-2010, mln tons
25. Dynamics of volume of freight turnover in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2010, billion tons/km
26. Dynamics of volume of freight turnover in RF в 2006-2010, billion tons/km
27. Dynamics of volume of freight transportations by motor vehicles in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2010, mln tons
28. Dynamics of volume of freight transportations by motor vehicles in RF in 2006-2010, mln tons
29. Dynamics of volume of freight turnover by motor vehicles in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2010, billion tons/km
30. Dynamics of volume of freight turnover by motor vehicles in RF in 2006-2010, billion tons/km
31. Medium range of transportation of one ton of freight by types of transport in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2000 and in 2006-2010, km
32. Production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition in RF in 2006-2011, items
33. Dynamics of production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition in RF by months 2009-2011, items
34. Production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition in RF в 2009-2011, items
35. Dynamics of production freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition in RF by months 2009-2011, items
36. Production of buses in RF в 2007-2011, items
37. Dynamics of production buses in RF by months in 2006-2011, items
38. Production of special motor vehicles of special purpose in RF in 2007-2011, items
39. Production of special motor vehicles of special purpose in RF by months in 2009-2011, items
40. Dynamics of trailers production in RF by months in 2010-2011, items
41. Dynamics of import volume of freight transport in RF in 2006-2010, tons
42. Dynamics of import volume of freight transport in RF in2006-2010, ths dollars
43. Dynamics of import volume of off-road tip-trucks in RF in 2006-2010, tons
44. Dynamics of import volume of off-road tip-trucks in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
45. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, tons
46. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
47. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in RF in 2006-2010, tons
48. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
49. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in RF in 2006-2010, tons
50. Dynamics of import volume of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
51. Dynamics of import volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, tons
52. Dynamics of import volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
53. Dynamics of import volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, tons
54. Dynamics of import volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
55. Dynamics of import volume of other freight transport in RF in 2006-2010, tons
56. Dynamics of import volume of other freight transport in RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
57. Dynamics of export volume of freight motor vehicles from RF in 2006-2010, tons
58. Dynamics of export volume of freight motor vehicles from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
59. Dynamics of export volume of off-road tip-trucks from RF in 2006-2010, tons
60. Dynamics of export volume of off-road tip-trucks from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
61. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, tons
62. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
63. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons from RF in 2006-2010, tons
64. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
65. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons from RF in 2006-2010, tons
66. Dynamics of export volume of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
67. Dynamics of export volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, tons
68. Dynamics of export volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
69. Dynamics of export volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, tons
70. Dynamics of export volume of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons from RF in 2006-2010, ths dollars
71. Average price for motor vehicles by the main categories of products in RF in 1998-2011, rub/item
72. Average producer price for passenger motor vehicles in RF by months in 1998-2011, rub/item
73. Average producer price for passenger motor vehicles in RF by months in 1998-2011, rub/item
74. Average producer price for freight transport in RF in 1998-2011, rub/item
75. Average producer price for freight transport in RF by months in 1998-2011, rub/item
76. Average consumer price for new domestic motor vehicles in RF in 1999-2011, rub/item
77. Average consumer price for new domestic motor vehicles in RF by months in 1999-2011, rub/item
78. Average consumer price new imported motor vehicles in RF in 2004-2011, rub/item
79. Average consumer price new imported motor vehicles in RF by months in 2004-2011, rub/item
80. Average consumer price for second-hand imported motor vehicles in RF in 1998-2011, rub/item
81. Average consumer price for second-hand imported motor vehicles in RF by months in 1998-2011, rub/item
82. Average consumer price for light foreign cars, composed on the territory of RF in RF in 2009-2011, rub/item
83. Average consumer price for light foreign cars, composed on the territory of RF in RF by months in 2009-2011, rub/item
84. Production volume of «AvtoVAZ» and other producers in RF by months in 1998-2011, items
85. Length of highways with hard pavement by types of property in RF in 2000, 2005-2009, ths km
86. Density of highways in RF in 2000, 2005-2009, km/1 ths km2
87. Volume of the Russian market of automotive parts in 2005-2010, billion dollars
88. Volume of the Russian market of motor vehicles in 2006-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, mln rubles
89. Volume of the Russian market of freight transport in 2006-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, mln rubles
90. Dynamics of volume of freight turnover motor vehicles in RF in 2006-2011 and forecast until 2012-2015, billion tons/km
1. Dynamics of production structure of motor vehicles in physical terms by the main parameters in the world, in 2006-2010, %
2. Dynamics of production structure of motor vehicles in physical terms by the main countries in the world, in 2006-2010, %
3. Dynamics of production structure of commercial motor vehicles in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2007-2011, %
4. Dynamics of production structure of freight transport in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2007-2011, %
5. Dynamics of production structure of buses in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2007-2011, %
6. Import share on the Russian market of motor vehicles in 2006-2011, %
7. The main components of the structure of the Russian market of motor vehicles in 1998-2011, %
8. Import share on the Russian market of freight transport in 2006-2011, %
9. Structure of freight transportations by types of transport in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
10. Structure of freight turnover by types of transport in RF in 2006-2010, %
11. Structure of freight transportations production by freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by federal districts of RF for 9 months of 2011, %
12. Structure of freight transportations production by freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by federal districts of RF in 2006-2010, %
13. Structure of freight transportations production by freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by regions of RF in 2011, %
14. Structure of freight transportations production by freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by regions of RF in 2006-2010, %
15. Structure of freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition production by regions of RF in 2011, %
16. Structure of freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition production by regions of RF in 2009-2010, %
17. Structure of buses production by federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, %
18. Structure of buses production by regions of RF in 2011, %
19. Structure of buses production by regions of RF in 2006-2010, %
20. Dynamics of production structure of the main categories in RF in 2006-2011, %
21. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production by federal districts of RF in 2011, %
22. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production by federal districts of RF in 2006-2010, %
23. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production by regions of RF in 2011, %
24. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production by regions of RF in 2006-2010, %
25. Dynamics of tip-trucks production structure by the main categories in RF in 2010-2011, %
26. Structure of tip-trucks production structure by federal districts RF in 2010-2011, %
27. Structure of tip-trucks production structure by regions RF in 2010-2011, %
28. Structure of freight transport production by the largest producers in RF in 2008, %
29. Dynamics of freight transport production by the largest producers in RF in 2005-2008, %
30. Structure of freight transport import in RF by types in physical terms in 2010, %
31. Structure of freight transport import in RF by types in cost terms in 2010, %
32. Dynamics of structure of freight transport import in RF by types in physical terms in 2006-2010, %
33. Dynamics of structure of freight transport import in RF by types in cost terms in 2006-2010, %
34. Structure of freight motor vehicles import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
35. Structure of freight motor vehicles import in cost terms in RF в 2010, %
36. Dynamics of structure of freight motor vehicles import in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
37. Dynamics of structure of freight motor vehicles import in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
38. Structure of off-road tip-trucks import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
39. Structure of off-road tip-trucks import in cost terms in RF in 2010, %
40. Dynamics of structure of off-road tip-trucks import in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
41. Dynamics of structure of off-road tip-trucks import in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
42. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
43. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons import in cost terms in RF in 2010, %
44. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
45. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
46. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
47. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons import in cost terms in RF in 2010, %
48. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
49. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
50. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
51. Structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons import in cost terms in RF in 2010, %
52. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
53. Dynamics of import structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
54. Structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons import in physical terms in RF in 2010, %
55. Structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons import in cost terms in RF in 2010, %
56. Dynamics of import structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in physical terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
57. Dynamics of import structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
58. Structure of freight transport export from RF by types in physical terms in 2010, %
59. Structure of freight transport export from RF by types in cost terms in 2010, %
60. Dynamics of export structure of freight transport from RF by types in physical terms in 2006-2010, %
61. Dynamics of export structure of freight transport from RF by types in cost terms in 2006-2010, %
62. Export structure of freight motor vehicles in physical terms from RF in 2010, %
63. Export structure of freight motor vehicles in cost terms from RF in 2010, %
64. Dynamics of export structure of freight motor vehicles in physical terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
65. Dynamics of export structure of freight motor vehicles in cost terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
66. Dynamics of export structure of off-road tip-trucks in physical terms from RF in 2006-2009, %
67. Dynamics of export structure of off-road tip-trucks in cost terms from RF in 2006-2009, %
68. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in physical terms from RF in 2006-2009, %
69. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms from RF in 2006-2009, %
70. Export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in physical terms from RF in 2010, %
71. Export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in cost terms from RF in 2010, %
72. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in physical terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
73. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in cost terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
74. Export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in physical terms from RF in 2010, %
75. Export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in cost terms from RF in 2010, %
76. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in physical terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
77. Dynamics of export structure of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in cost terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
78. Export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in physical terms from RF in 2010, %
79. Export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms from RF in 2010, %
80. Dynamics of export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in physical terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
81. Dynamics of export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
82. Export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in physical terms from RF in 2010, %
83. Export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in cost terms from RF in 2010, %
84. Dynamics of export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in physical terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
85. Dynamics of export structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons in cost terms from RF in 2006-2010, %
86. Dynamics of production structure of motor vehicles by regions RF by months in 1998-2011, %
87. Structure of motor vehicles production in RF by country of model origin in 2006-2010, %
88. Share Moscow in total number of car-services in RF in 2010, %
89. Structure of car-services specialization by types of motor vehicles in Moscow and Russia in 2009, %
90. Market structure automotive parts by source of origin in 2010, %
91. Market structure automotive parts by channels of delivery in 2010, %
92. Share of primary and secondary segments on the automotive parts market in RF in 2007, %
93. Share Moscow in total number of car-washes in 2010, %
94. Import share on the Russian market of motor vehicles in 2006-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, %
95. The main components of the structure of the Russian motor vehicles market in 1998-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, %
96. Import share on the Russian market of freight transport in 2006-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, %
1. Population number of the largest cities of Russia according All-Russian census of 2010, ths people
2. Production of motor vehicles by the largest producing enterprises in the world in 2006-2010, ths items
3. Production motor vehicles by the largest producing countries in the world in 2005-2009, items
4. Comparison of separate parameters of automobile industry in the leading producing countries in 2008 г.
5. Production volume of commercial motor vehicles in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2006-2011, items
6. Production volume of commercial motor vehicles in physical terms by the main parameters, in 2006-2011, items
7. Dynamics of production volume of freight transport in the world by the largest countries in 2006-2011, items
8. Dynamics of production volume of freight transport in the world by the largest producers in 2006-2011, items
9. Dynamics of buses production in physical terms by the main countries of the world, in 2006-2011, %
10. Dynamics of production structure of buses in physical terms by the largest producers, in 2004-2011, %
11. Volume of Russian market of freight transport in 2006-2011, mln rubles
12. Volume of freight traffic by types of transport in RSFSR and RF by decades in 1970-2000 and in 2006-2010, mln tons
13. Volume of freight turnover by types of transport in RSFSR and RF by decades in 1970-2000 and in 2006-2010, mln tons
14. Middle range of transportation of one ton of freight by types of transport in RSFSR-RF by decades in 1970-2000 and in 2006-2010, km
15. Dynamics of production of freight transport ort with internal combustion engine with compression ignition in RF by months in 2009-2011, items
16. Dynamics of production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by federal districts RF in 2006-2011, ths items
17. Dynamics of production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with compression ignition by regions RF in 2009-2011, ths items
18. Dynamics of production with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition in RF by months in 2009-2011, items
19. Dynamics of production of freight transport with internal combustion engine with spark-plug ignition by regions RF in 2009-2010 and for 9 months of 2011, ths items
20. Dynamics of production buses in RF by months in 2006-2011, items
21. Dynamics of production buses in RF by federal districts in 2006-2011, items
22. Dynamics of production buses in RF by the largest regions in 2006-2011, items
23. Dynamics of production structure of special purpose motor vehicles by the main categories in RF in 2006-2011, items
24. Production of special purpose motor vehicles in RF by months in 2009-2011, items
25. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production by federal districts RF in 2006-2010, items
26. Structure of special purpose motor vehicles production in the largest regions of RF in 2006-2011, items
27. Dynamics of production structure of tip-trucks by the main categories in RF in 2010-2011, items
28. Structure of tip-trucks production by federal districts RF in 2010-2011, items
29. Structure of tip-trucks production by the largest regions of RF n 2010-2011, items
30. Production volume of freight transport of the largest producers of RF in 2005-2008, items
31. Import volume of freight transport in RF by categories in 2006-2010, tons
32. Import volume of freight transport in RF by categories in 2006-2010, ths dollars
33. Import dynamics of freight motor vehicles in RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
34. Import dynamics of freight motor vehicles in RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
35. Import dynamics of off-road tip-trucks in RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
36. Import dynamics of off-road tip-trucks in RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
37. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
38. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
39. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
40. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
41. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons.
42. Import dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons in RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
43. Dynamics of import structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
44. Dynamics of import structure of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons in cost terms in RF in 2006-2010, %
45. Export volume of freight transport from RF by categories in 2006-2010, tons
46. Export dynamics of freight transport from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
47. Export dynamics of freight motor vehicles from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
48. Export dynamics of freight motor vehicles from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
49. Export dynamics of off-road tip-trucks from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
50. Export dynamics of off-road tip-trucks from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
51. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
52. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight up to 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
53. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
54. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight of 5-20 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
55. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
56. Export dynamics of other diesel trucks with full weight from 20 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
57. Export dynamics of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
58. Export dynamics of other loaders with piston engine, full weight up to 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, ths dollars
59. Export dynamics of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
60. Export dynamics of other loaders with piston engine, full weight from 5 tons from RF by countries in 2006-2010, tons
61. The average price for motor vehicles by the main categories of products in RF in 1998-2011, rub/item
62. Structure of production motor vehicles in RF by country of model origin in 2006-2010, ths items
63. Number of road infrastructure enterprises in RF in 2000, 2005-2009, ths items
64. Revenues from sales of freight transport by the largest Russian companies in 2006-2010, ths rubles
65. Number of personnel of «GAZ» JSC, people
66. Shareholders of «GAZ» JSC
67. Production volume of «GAZ» JSC
68. Balance sheet of «GAZ» JSC, ths rubles
69. Profit and loss statement of «GAZ» JSC, ths rubles
70. Cash flow statement of «GAZ» JSC, ths rubles
71. Financials of «GAZ» JSC
72. Number of personnel of «KAMAZ» JSC, people
73. Shareholders of «KAMAZ» JSC
74. Production volume of «KAMAZ» JSC
75. Balance sheet «KAMAZ» JSC, ths rubles
76. Profit and loss statement «KAMAZ» JSC, ths rubles
77. Cash flow statement of «KAMAZ» JSC, ths rubles
78. Financials of «KAMAZ» JSC
79. Number of personnel of «UAZ» JSC, people
80. Shareholders of «UAZ» JSC
81. Production volume of «UAZ» JSC
82. Balance sheet of «UAZ» JSC, ths rubles
83. Profit and loss statement of «UAZ» JSC, ths rubles
84. Cash flow statement of «UAZ» JSC, ths rubles
85. Financials of «UAZ» JSC
86. Number of personnel of «AZ «URAL» JSC, people
87. Shareholders of «AZ «URAL» JSC
88. Production volume of «AZ «URAL» JSC
89. Balance sheet of «AZ «URAL» JSC, ths rubles
90. Profit and loss statement of «AZ «URAL» JSC, ths rubles
91. Cash flow statement of «AZ «URAL» JSC, ths rubles
92. Financials of «AZ «URAL» JSC
93. Number of personnel of «TAGAZ» LLC, people
94. Shareholders of «TAGAZ» LLC
95. Production volume of «TAGAZ» LLC
96. Balance sheet of «TAGAZ» LLC, ths rubles
97. Profit and loss statement of «TAGAZ» LLC, ths rubles
98. Cash flow statement of «TAGAZ» LLC, ths rubles
99. Financials of «TAGAZ» LLC
100. Production volume of light and freight transport in Russia in 2006-2010, items
101. The main producing enterprises of foreign cars in Russia for the end of 2010
102. Custom duties for the basic categories of automobile products in RF in 2011
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