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Profiles are made for the following largest Russian enterprises:
«KOF «Palitra» LLC
«Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
«Erismann» LLC
«Mayakprint» LLC
«Turinsky pulp–and–paper mill» CJSC
Information about the main factories’ production volume, financials of activity, balance sheet, profit and loss statements, cash flow statements, subsidiaries and some other information is also presented.
The sources of information, which are used in the research:
The Federal State Statistics Service
The Ministry of Economic Development of RF
The Federal Customs Service
The Federal Tax Service
Industry experts’ estimates
Data of the main players of the branch
Printed and electronic publications of the branch
The research contains 77 schedules, 53 diagrams, 66 tables.
According to Intesco Research Group data, in 2010 the volume of the domestic wallpaper market in physical terms amounted to *** *** bln. m2, having increased by **% in comparison with that of 2009. The expected parameter in 2011 amounts to *** *** bln. m2, that is by **% more than the market volume last year.
*** *** ths. m2 of wallpaper were imported to Russia in 2010, that amounted to ** % of the domestic market volume in physical terms.?
According to Federal State Statistics Service data, in 2010 in physical terms the import of wallpaper amounted to *** *** tons, that is by ***% more than that of 2009.
Last year Ukraine (*** *** tons), Germany (*** ***tons) and Italy (*** ***tons) were the largest countries of origin of imported wallpaper.
In 2010 the largest share in the structure of wallpaper import in physical terms was occupied by decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings (***%), the smallest share – by ingrain wallpaper.
According to Federal State Statistics Service data, at year-end results of 2010 the export of wallpaper in physical terms amounted to *** *** tons, that is by ***% more than that of 2009.
Last year Kazakhstan (*** *** tons), Ukraine (*** ***tons) and Azerbaijan (*** ***tons) became the largest destination countries of domestic wallpaper.
At year-end results of 2010 the main share in the structure of wallpaper import to Russia in physical terms was occupied by decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings (***%), while other wall coverings occupied the share of less than one third of all the deliveries.
1.1. Population in Russia
Population size
The largest cities
Social standard of living
Economic activity
1.2. Economic situation
Dynamics of economic development
Stability of state budget
1.3. International Russian position
RF share in the population of the world
2.1. Definition of wallpaper
2.2. History of wallpaper
2.2. Classification of wallpaper
Classification as per All–Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities
Classification as per All–Russian Classification of Products
Classification as per Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature
Classification by types
3.1. Dynamics of the Russian market volume
3.2. Import share of the Russian market
3.3. Dynamics of import share of the Russian market
3.4. Product consumption in Russia
Political factors
Economic factors
Social factors
Technological factors
6.1 Structure of production by types
6.2 Volume and structure of production by federal districts of RF
6.3 Volume and structure of production in regions of RF
6.4 Export of wallpaper base
Dynamics of export volume by years
Volume of Russian export by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
6.5 Import of wallpaper base
Dynamics of import volume by years
Volume of import by countries of origin
Structure of import by countries of origin
7.1 Wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls
Structure of production by types
Dynamics of production volume by years
Dynamics of production volume by months
Volume of production by federal districts of RF
Structure of production by federal districts of RF
Volume of production in regions of RF
Regional structure of production
7.2 Production of wallpaper and wallpaper borders
Dynamics of production volume by years
Dynamics of production volume by months
Volume of production by federal districts of RF
Structure of production by federal districts of RF
Volume of production in regions of RF
Regional structure of production
7.3 Production of vinyl wall coverings and borders
Dynamics of production volume by years
Dynamics of production volume by months
Volume of production by federal districts of RF
Structure of production by federal districts of RF
Volume of production in regions of RF
Regional structure of production
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Structure of production by the largest Russian enterprises
9.1. Wallpaper and analogous wall coverings
Structure of import by types
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Volume of import by countries of origin
Structure of import by countries of origin
9.2. Decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings
Dynamics of import volume by years
Dynamics of import volume by months
Volume of import by countries of origin
Structure of import by countries of origin
10.1. Wallpaper and analogous wall coverings
Structure of export by types
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Volume of Russian export by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
10.2. Decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings
Dynamics of export volume by years
Dynamics of export volume by months
Volume of Russian export by countries of destination
Structure of export by countries of destination
11.1 Wallpaper and wallpaper borders
Dynamics of producer prices by years
Dynamics of producer prices by months
11.2 Vinyl paper–based wall coverings and borders
Dynamics of producer prices by years
Dynamics of producer prices by months
12.1 Paper wall coverings
Dynamics of retail price by years
Dynamics of retail price by months
12.2 Vinyl wall coverings
Dynamics of retail price by years
Dynamics of retail price by months
13.1 «KOF «Palitra» LLC
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volume
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
13.2 «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volume
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
13.3 «Erismann» LLC
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volume
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
13.4 «Mayakprint» LLC
Reference information
Production volume
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
13.5 «Turinsky pulp–and–paper mill» CJSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Production volume
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
List of schedules
1. Population in Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and its forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths. peop.
2. Dynamics of actual disposable money profit of population in 2000-2010, %
3. Dynamics of employed and unemployed population number in RF in 2006-2010, ths. peop.
4. Dynamics of unemployed population number in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2010, %
5. Dynamics of RF GDP in the prices of 2003 in 2002-2010, bln. rub.
6. Fixed capital investment in RF in 2001-2010
7. Consolidated budget surplus /deficit in RF in 2006-2010, %
8. Dynamics of RF total external debt, in 2001-2010
9. Consumer price index in RF in 2001-2010, %
10. RF share in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and its forecast up to 2100
11. RF share in the world GDP in 2000-2100 and its forecast for 2011-2016, %
12. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper market volume in 2007-2011*, ths. m2
13. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper market volume in money terms in 2007-2011*, mln. rub.
14. Per capita annual wallpaper consumption in Russia in 2007-2010, m2/peop.
15. Per customer annual wallpaper consumption in Russia in 2007-2010, m2/peop.
16. Dynamics of the total area of commissioned buildings in 2005-2010, ths. sq. m.
17. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base export volume in 2007-2010, tons
18. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base export volume in 2007-2010, ths. USD
19. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base export by the largest countries of destination in 2010, tons
20. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base export by the largest countries of destination in 2010, ths. USD
21. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base import volume in 2007-2010, tons
22. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base import volume in 2007-2010, ths. USD
23. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base import by the largest countries of origin in 2010, tons
24. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base import by the largest countries of origin in 2010, ths. USD
25. Dynamics of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in 2007-2010, ths. conv. pieces
26. Dynamics of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls by months in 2007-2011, ths. conv. pieces
27. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in federal districts in 2007-2010, ths. conv. pieces
28. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in federal districts by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
29. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in the largest regions in 2007-2010, ths. conv. pieces
30. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in the largest regions by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
31. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
32. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders by months 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
33. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in federal districts в 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
34. Dynamics of the Russian production of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in the largest federal districts by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
35. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in the largest regions in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
36. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in the largest regions by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
37. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
38. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
39. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in federal districts in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
40. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in the largest federal districts by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
41. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in the largest regions in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
42. Dynamics of the Russian production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in the largest regions by months in 2009-2011, ths. conv. pieces
43. Dynamics of the wallpaper production volumes by the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2008, ths. conv. pieces
44. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2011*, tons
45. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2011*, ths. USD
46. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, tons
47. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, ths. USD
48. Volume of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of origin in 2010, tons
49. Volume of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of origin in 2010, ths. USD
50. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2010, tons
51. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2010, ths. USD
52. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, tons
53. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, ths. USD
54. Volume of the Russian import of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of origin in 2010, tons
55. Volume of the Russian import of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of origin in 2010, ths. USD
56. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2011*, tons
57. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2011*, ths. USD
58. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, tons
59. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, ths. USD
60. Volume of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of destination in 2010, tons
61. Volume of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of destination in 2010, ths. USD
62. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2010, tons
63. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in 2007-2010, ths. USD
64. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, tons
65. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by months in 2007-2011, ths. USD
66. Volume of the Russian export of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of destination in 2010, tons
67. Volume of the Russian export of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by the largest countries of destination in 2010, ths. USD
68. Dynamics of the average producer price for wallpaper and wallpaper borders in RF in 2010-2011*, rub/ths. conv. pieces
69. Dynamics of the average producer price for wallpaper and wallpaper borders in RF by months in 2010-2011, rub/ths. conv. pieces
70. Dynamics of the average producer price for vinyl paper-based wall coverings and borders in RF in 2010-2011*, rub/ths. conv. pieces
71. Dynamics of the average producer price for vinyl paper-based wall coverings and borders in RF by months in 2010-2011, rub/ths. conv. pieces
72. Dynamics of the average retail price for paper wall coverings in RF in 2007-2011*, rub/10 m
73. Dynamics of the average retail price for paper wall coverings in RF by months in 2007-2011, rub/10 m
74. Dynamics of the average retail price for vinyl wall coverings in RF in 2007-2011*, rub/10 m
75. Dynamics of the average retail price for vinyl wall coverings in RF by months in 2009-2011, rub/10 m
76. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper market volume in 2009-2010 and its forecast for 2011-2014, ths. m2
77. Dynamics of the import share on wallpaper market in physical terms in 2009-2014*, %
List of diagrams
1. Import share of the Russian wallpaper market in physical terms in 2010, %
2. Dynamics of import share of the Russian wallpaper market in physical terms in 2009-2010, %
3. Structure dynamics of the total area of commissioned buildings by appointment in Russia in 2009-2009, ths. sq. m.
4. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base production in 2010, %
5. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base production by federal districts in 2010, %
6. Regional structure of the Russian wallpaper base production, %
7. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2010, %
8. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base export structure by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
9. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base export by countries of destination in money terms in 2010, %
10. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base export structure by countries of destination in money terms in 2007-2010, %
11. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2010, %
12. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base import structure by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
13. Structure of the Russian wallpaper base import by countries of origin in money terms in 2010, %
14. Dynamics of the Russian wallpaper base import structure by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2010, %
15. Structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in 2010, %
16. Structure dynamics of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in 2009-2010, %
17. Structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls by federal districts in 2010, %
18. Dynamics of the Russian production structure of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls by federal districts in 2007-2010, %
19. Regional structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in 2010, %
20. Dynamics of the regional structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in 2007-2010, %
21. Structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and wallpaper borders by federal districts in 2010, %
22. Dynamics of the Russian production structure of wallpaper and wallpaper borders by federal districts in 2009-2010, %
23. Regional structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in 2010, %
24. Dynamics of the regional structure of the Russian production of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in 2009-2010, %
25. Structure of the Russian production of vinyl wall coverings and borders by federal districts in 2010, %
26. Dynamics of the Russian production structure of vinyl wall coverings and borders by federal districts in 2009-2010, %
27. Regional structure of the Russian production of vinyl wall coverings and borders in 2010, %
28. Dynamics of the regional structure of the Russian production of vinyl wall coverings and borders in 2009-2010, %
29. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian wallpaper production in 2008, %
30. Structure of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in physical terms in 2010, %
31. Structure of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in money terms in 2010, %
32. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
33. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in money terms in 2007-2010, %
34. Structure of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in physical terms in 2010, %
35. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
36. Structure of the Russian import of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in money terms in 2010, %
37. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2010, %
38. Structure of the Russian import of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in physical terms in 2010, %
39. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
40. Structure of the Russian import of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in money terms in 2010, %
41. Dynamics of the Russian import structure of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2010, %
42. Structure of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in physical terms in 2010, %
43. Structure of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in money terms in 2010, %
44. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
45. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings in money terms in 2007-2010, %
46. Structure of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in physical terms in 2010, %
47. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
48. Structure of the Russian export of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in money terms in 2010, %
49. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in money terms in 2007-2010, %
50. Structure of the Russian export of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in physical terms in 2010, %
51. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2010, %
52. Structure of the Russian export of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in money terms in 2010, %
53. Dynamics of the Russian export structure of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings by countries of destination in money terms in 2007-2010, %
List of tables
1. Population of the largest Russian cities according to the National Census in 2010, ths. peop.
2. PEST analysis of the factors, influencing the wallpaper market
3. Volume of wallpaper base production in federal districts of RF in 2010, tons
4. Volume of wallpaper base production in regions of RF in 2010, tons
5. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base export by countries of destination in 2007-2010, tons
6. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base export by countries of destination in 2007-2010, ths. USD
7. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base import by countries of origin in 2007-2010, tons
8. Volume of the Russian wallpaper base import by countries of origin in 2007-2010, ths. USD
9. Production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in federal districts of RF in 2005-2010, ths. conv. pieces
10. Production volume of wallpaper and analogous materials for covering the walls in regions of RF in 2005-2010, ths. conv. pieces
11. Production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in federal districts of RF in 2005-2010, ths. conv. pieces
12. Production volume of wallpaper and wallpaper borders in regions of RF in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
13. Production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in federal districts of RF in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
14. Production volume of vinyl wall coverings and borders in regions of RF in 2009-2010, ths. conv. pieces
15. Volume of wallpaper production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2008, ths. conv. pieces
16. Import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of origin in 2007-2010, tons
17. Import volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of origin in 2007-2010, ths. USD
18. Import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of origin in 2007-2010, tons
19. Import volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of origin in 2007-2010, ths. USD
20. Export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of destination in 2007-2010, tons
21. Export volume of wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of destination in 2007-2010, ths. USD
22. Export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of destination in 2007-2010, tons
23. Export volume of decorated wallpaper and analogous wall coverings to Russia by countries of destination in 2007-2010, ths. USD
24. Average producer price for wallpaper and wallpaper borders in RF by months in 2010-2011, rub/ ths. conv. pieces
25. Average producer price for vinyl paper-based wall coverings and borders in RF by months in 2010-2011, rub/ths. conv. pieces
26. Average retail price for paper wall coverings in RF by months in 2007-2011, rub/ 10m
27. Average retail price for vinyl wall coverings in RF by months in 2009-2011, rub/10 m
28. Number of personnel of «KOF «Palitra» LLC, peop.
29. Shareholders of «KOF «Palitra» LLC
30. Subsidiaries of «KOF «Palitra» LLC
31. Production volume of «KOF «Palitra» LLC
32. Balance sheet of «KOF «Palitra» LLC, ths. rub.
33. Profit and loss statement of «KOF «Palitra» LLC, ths. rub.
34. Cash flow statement of «KOF «Palitra» LLC, ths. rub.
35. Dynamics of financial activity of «KOF «Palitra» LLC
36. Number of personnel of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC, peop.
37. Shareholders/founders of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
38. Subsidiaries of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
39. Production volume of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
40. Balance sheet of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC, ths. rub.
41. Profit and loss statement of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC, ths. rub.
42. Cash flow statement of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC, ths. rub.
43. Dynamics of financial activity of «Saratovskie oboi» OJSC
44. Number of personnel of «Erismann» LLC, peop.
45. Shareholders of «Erismann» LLC
46. Subsidiaries of «Erismann» LLC
47. Production volume of «Erismann» LLC
48. Balance sheet of «Erismann» LLC, ths. rub.
49. Profit and loss statement of «Erismann» LLC, ths. rub.
50. Cash flow statement of «Erismann» LLC, ths. rub.
51. Dynamics of financial activity of «Erismann» LLC
52. Number of personnel of «Mayakprint» LLC, peop.
53. Shareholders of «Mayakprint» LLC
54. Production volume of «Mayakprint» LLC
55. Balance sheet of «Mayakprint» LLC, ths. rub.
56. Profit and loss statement of «Mayakprint» LLC, ths. rub.
57. Cash flow statement of «Mayakprint» LLC, ths. rub.
58. Dynamics of financial activity of «Mayakprint» LLC
59. Number of personnel of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC, peop.
60. Shareholders of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC
61. Subsidiaries of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC
62. Production volume of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC
63. Balance sheet of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC, ths. rub.
64. Profit and loss statement of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC, ths. rub.
65. Cash flow statement of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC, ths. rub.
66. Dynamics of financial activity of «Turinsky pulp-and-paper mill» CJSC
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