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Federal State Statistics Service
Ministry of Economic Development of RF
Ministry of RF Transport
Federal Customs Service
Federal Tax Service
Industry experts’ estimates
Federal target programs and subprograms
Printed and electronic publications of the branch
Data of state structures (ministries and agencies), industry associations, unions, dealing with the development of construction and building industry
The research contains 68 schedules, 84 diagrams, 81 tables and 1 scheme.
In *** terms the increase in the market in the period from 2010 to 2013 was a little smaller in value *** – ***% versus 80%, but the growth by *** times is hardly insignificant. In 2012 the market volume exceeded 3 mln. cars, but in 2013 it amounted to *** mln. vehicles, having decreased to ***%.
Due to the fact that in 2013 both the *** (***), and *** (***), decreased, the market volume in real terms decreased compared to the same period last year by *** ths. pcs of production. The export was increasing on the entire time interval from ***to*** and in 2013 it amounted to *** ths. cars.
From 2010 to 2012 an increase in the share of diesel cars in the market by 3 percentage points was observed - from ***% to ***%, due to ***. The number of filling stations offering high-quality diesel fuel also increased.
The Russian car production recovered from the crisis fast enough and in 2011 it exceeded those figures of 2008, and by 2012 it reached the level of *** mln. pcs. In 2013 there was a ***% decline in production to the level of *** mln. pcs, that is, however, by ***% more than in 2008.
The minimum production volume was recorded in *** 2009 in the period of 2008 - 2013, when it amounted to *** pcs, the maximum one – in *** – ***. Also there was an untypical *** in the production to 138,5 ths. pcs in *** 2013.
The main production volume of passenger cars in Russia was located in 3 federal districts in 2013 – *** (***%), the Volga (***%) and *** (22%). The Far Eastern and the *** FDs amounted to ***% and 3% in the structure of production.
Export volumes of passenger cars in money terms didn’t only annually increased since 2010, but also surpassed that level of *** by ***% in *** when the value of exported goods amounted to almost 1,5 bln. USD.
From 2010 to 2013 *** played a significant role in the structure of the Russian export of cars and at the beginning in 2012 it accounted for more than ***% of the total number of vehicles sold abroad (*** ths. pcs from *** ths. pcs in 2012 and *** ths. pcs from *** ths. pcs in 2013). When accounting *** it becomes apparent that exports did not decrease since 2012, as it follows from ***, but continued to grow until 2013, when ***, that is 3 times higher than in ***. Based on this, we can conclude that the numbers of 2013 reached the level of ***.
The import volumes in money terms were also increasing from 2009 to 2012, and in 2013 fell by ***%, having amounted to nearly *** bln. USD. A higher rate of growth in *** as compared to that in real terms should be noted – ***% vs. 49%. In 2012 the cost of imports reached its peak and exceeded *** bln. USD, that is by almost 2,5 times more than in.
As for the cost structure of the import in 2012, a relatively higher cost of *** should be noted: ***% of all funds were necessary to pay 16% of the volume in money terms, while ***% *** cars amounted to ***% of the total costs.
1.1. Population in Russia
Population size
Largest cities
Social standard of living
Economic activity
1.2. Economic situation
Dynamics of economic development
Stability of state budget
1.3. International Russian position
RF share in the population of the world
2.1. Market description
Classification of motor vehicles
2.2. Used classifiers
2.2. Classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products
Classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities
Classification as per All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity
Classification of compound feed as per Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature
2.3. Methodological guidelines for research
Foreign trade
Russian manufacturers
3.1. Production volume in major producing countries
3.2. Largest producers
4.1. Retail sales dynamics
4.2. Structure of retail sales
Structure of retail sales by federal districts
Structure of retail sales by regions
Structure of retail sales by producers
5.1. Dynamics of market volume
Market volume by years
Import share in the market
5.2. Market segmentation
Market segmentation by product types
5.3. Car fleet
Russian car fleet
Russian car fleet by federal districts
Motor passenger car fleet by regions
Density of passenger car fleet
Structure of motor passenger car fleet by car models
Age structure of motor passenger car fleet
6.1. Changes in the structure of Russian producers
6.2. Production of foreign cars in Russia
7.1. Russian road infrastructure
Length of highways
Road density
7.2. Road infrastructure companies in Russia
7.3. Car service stations
7.4. Market of automotive components and parts
General market characteristics
Market volume
Market structure
7.5. Market of car washes
Market of car washes in Russia
Market of car washes in Moscow
Capacity of the Russian market of car washes
8.1. Motor transport
8.2. Customs duties
8.3. Development Plan of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
8.4. Motor highways
9.2. «AVTOTOR»
9.3. «SOLLERS»
9.7. «DERWAYS»
9.8. «GM AUTO»
10.1. Passenger car production
Production volume by years
Production volumes by months
Production volume by categories
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
10.2. Production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
10.3. Production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
10.4. Production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel)
Production volume by years
Production volume by months
Production volume by federal districts
Production volume by regions
11.1. Structure of the Russian production
11.2. Geographical location of largest companies
11.3. Largest enterprises in terms of revenue
12.1. Passenger cars in general
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by years
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by quarters
Structure of the Russian export by categories
Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination
12.2. Passenger cars with cylinder capacity 1500 – 3000 cm3
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by years
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by quarters
Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination
12.3. Passenger cars with cylinder capacity 1000 – 1500 cm3
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by years
Volume dynamics of the Russian export by quarters
Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination
13.1. Passenger cars in general
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by years
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by quarters
Structure of the Russian import by categories
Structure of the Russian import by countries of origin
13.2. Passenger cars with cylinder capacity 1500 – 3000 cm3
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by years
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by quarters
Structure of the Russian import by countries of origin
13.3. Passenger cars with cylinder capacity 1000 – 1500 cm3
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by years
Dynamics of the Russian import volume by quarters
Structure of the Russian import by countries of destination
14.1. Producer prices
Price dynamics by years
14.2. Consumer prices for new imported passenger cars
Price dynamics by years
Price dynamics by quarters
14.3. Consumer prices for used imported passenger cars
Price dynamics by years
Price dynamics by quarters
14.4. Consumer prices for new passenger foreign cars assembled in Russia
Price dynamics by years
Price dynamics by quarters
14.5. Consumer prices for new domestic passenger cars
Price dynamics by years
Price dynamics by quarters
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
Reference information
Types of activity
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
Schedule 1. Population in Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths. peop.
Schedule 2. Dynamics of the population size in Russia in 3 scenarios in 2011-2031, ths. peop.
Diagram 2. Structure of the population in Russia in relation to working age in 2011-2031, % (neutral scenario)
Table 2. Population of the largest Russian cities according to the National Census in 2002 and 2010 and by 1 January 2013, ths. peop.
Schedule 3. Dynamics of actual disposable money profit and its annual growth rate in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 4. Dynamics of demographic burden ratio in three scenarios in 2011-2031
Diagram 3. Dynamics of employed and unemployed population number in Russia in 2000-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, mln. people
Schedule 5. Dynamics of unemployed population number in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %
Schedule 6. Dynamics of GDP in Russia in the prices of 2008 and 2002-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, bln. rub.
Schedule 7. Fixed capital investment in RF in 2002-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, bln. rub.
Schedule 8. Fulfilled consolidated budget surplus/deficit in RF in 2006-2012, % of GDP
Diagram 4. Changes in the structure of external debt of RF in 2009-2013(as for 1st January), %
Schedule 9. Dynamics of RF total external debt and its GDP share in 2009-2013 (as for 1st January), bln. USD.
Schedule 10. Dynamics of consumer price index in 2006-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, % by the same period in the previous years
Schedule 11. Dynamics of population in Russia and in the world in 2000-2012 and its forecast until 2100, bln. peop.
Schedule 12. RF share in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2016, %
Schedule 13. Dynamics of global motor car production in 2009 - 2013*, mln. pcs
Schedule 14. Dynamics of global motor car production by countries in 2008 - 2012, mln. pcs
Diagram 5. Changes in the structure of global motor car production by countries in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 3. Volume of global motor car production by countries in 2008 - 2012, pcs.
Diagram 6. Changes in the structure of global motor car production by producing companies in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 4. Volume of global motor car production by producing companies in 2008 - 2012, pcs
Schedule 15. Dynamics of motor car retail sales in 2009 - 2013, bln. rub.
Diagram 7. Structure of motor car retail sales by federal districts in 2013, %
Diagram 8. Changes in the structure of motor car retail sales by federal districts in 2009 - 2013, %
Table 5. Volume of motor car retail sales by federal districts in 2009 - 2013, bln. rub.
Diagram 9. Structure of motor car retail sales by regions in 2013, %
Diagram 10. Changes in the structure of motor car retail sales by regions in 2009 - 2013, %
Table 6. Volume of motor car retail sales by regions in 2009 - 2013, bln. rub.
Diagram 11. Structure of motor car retail sales by producers in 2013, %
Diagram 12. Changes in the structure of retail sales of new motor cars and light commercial vehicles by producers in 2011 - 2013, %
Table 7. Volume of retail sales of new motor cars and light commercial vehicles by producers in 2011 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 16. Dynamics of the Russian motor car market in money terms in 2010 - 2013*, bln. rub.
Table 8. Volume of the Russian motor car market in money terms in 2010 - 2013*, bln. rub.
Schedule 17. Dynamics of the Russian motor car market in real terms in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Table 9. Volume of the Russian motor car market in real terms in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Diagram 13. Import share of the Russian motor car market in real terms in 2010 - 2013*, %
Diagram 14. Import share of the Russian motor car market in money terms in 2010 - 2013*, %
Diagram 15. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor car market in money terms in 2010 - 2012, %
Schedule 18. Volume dynamics of the Russian car fleet by transport types in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 19. Dynamics of the growth rates of the Russian car fleet by transport types in 2011 - 2013, %
Table 10. Volume of the Russian car fleet by transport types in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 16. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by federal districts in 2012, %
Diagram 17. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by federal districts in 2009 - 2012, %
Table 11. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by federal districts in 2008 - 2012, pcs
Diagram 18. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by regions in 2012, %
Diagram 19. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by regions in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 12. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by regions in 2008 - 2012, pcs
Table 13. Number of registered motor passenger cars per 1000 people by federal districts in 2010 - 2012, pcs
Table 14. Number of registered motor passenger cars per 1000 people by regions in 2010 - 2012, pcs
Diagram 20. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by producers by
1 January 2013, %
Diagram 21. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car fleet by age groups by 1 January 2013, %
Diagram 22. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by regions in 2008 - 2012, %
Diagram 23. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by countries of the brand origin in 2006 - February 2014, %
Table 15. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car production by countries of the brand origin in 2008 - 2013, ths. pcs
Schedule 20. Length dynamics of paved highways by property type in RF in 2000, 2005-2009, ths. km
Schedule 21. Density dynamics of paved highways in 2008 - 2012, km/1 ths. km2
Table 16. Number of road service facilities (except advertising objects) located on federal highways in 2000, 2005, 2008 - 2011, pcs
Diagram 24. Structure of the Russian market of car service stations by regions in 2013, %
Diagram 25. Structure of the Russian market of car service stations by categories in 2013, %
Diagram 26. Structure of the Russian market of automotive components and parts by the product origin in 2013*, %
Diagram 27. Dynamics of the Russian market of automotive components and parts in 2008 - 2013* and its forecast for 2014, bln. rub.
Diagram 28. Changes in the structure of the Russian market of automotive components and parts in 2008 - 2013* and its forecast for 2014, %
Diagram 29. Changes in the supply structure of the Russian market of automotive components and parts on OEM assembly lines in 2008 - 2013* and its forecast for 2014, %
Diagram 30. Changes in the structure of the Russian secondary market of automotive components and parts in 2008 - 2013* and its forecast for 2014, %
Diagram 31. Structure and volume of the Russian secondary market of automotive components and parts by some regions in 2012
Diagram 32. Structure of the Russian market of automotive components and parts in 2013*, %
Diagram 33. Structure of car washes market in 2013*, %
Table 17. Customs duties on main categories of automotive products in RF in 2014
Scheme 1. Structure of the Russian Renault company production in 2014
Schedule 22. Dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car production in 2008 - 2013, pcs.
Schedule 23. Dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car production by months in 2008 - 2013, pcs
Table 18. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car production by months in 2008 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 34. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by product types in 2013, %
Diagram 35. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by product types in 2010 - 2013, %
Table 19. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car production by product types in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 36. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by federal districts in 2013, %
Diagram 37. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by federal districts in 2008 - 2013, %
Table 20. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car production by federal districts in 2008 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 38. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by regions in 2013*, %
Diagram 39. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car production by regions in 2008 - 2013*, %
Table 21. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car production by regions in 2008 - 2013*, pcs
Schedule 24. Dynamics of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 25. Dynamics of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by months in 2010-2013, pcs
Table 22. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by months in 2008 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 40. Structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2013, %
Diagram 41. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, %
Table 23. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 42 Structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2013*, %
Diagram 43. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2010 - 2013*, %
Table 24. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder less than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Schedule 26. Dynamics of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 27. Dynamics of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by months in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Table 25. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by months in 2010 - 2013, pcs 2008 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 44. Structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2013, %
Diagram 45. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, %
Table 26. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 46. Structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2013*, %
Diagram 47. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2010 - 2013*, %
Table 27. Volume of the Russian production of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder more than 1500 cm3 by regions in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Schedule 28. Dynamics of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 29. Dynamics of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by months in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Table 28. Volume of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by months in 2009 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 48. Structure of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by federal districts in 2013, %
Diagram 49. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, %
Table 29. Volume of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by federal districts in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Diagram 50. Structure of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by regions in 2013 *, %
Diagram 51. Changes in the structure of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by regions in 2010 - 2013*, %
Table 30. Volume of the Russian production of cars with piston combustion engine and compression-ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) by regions in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Table 31. Structure of the Russian production of passenger cars by companies in 2012, %
Schedule 30. Dynamics of sales results of the Russian passenger car producers in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 32. Sales results of the Russian passenger car producers in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Diagram 52. Changes of the Russian passenger car producers by sales results in 2009 - 2012, %
Schedule 31. Volume dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 32. Volume dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car export in the country of the customs union in real terms in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Schedule 33. Volume dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 34. Volume dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by quarters 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 35. Volume dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by quarters in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 53. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by product types in 2012, %
Diagram 54. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by product types 2012, %
Diagram 55. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by product types in 2008 - 2012, %
Diagram 56. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by product types in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 33. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by product types in 2008 - 2012, tons
Table 34. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by product types in 2008 - 2012, ths. USD
Diagram 57. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 58. Structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 59. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, %
Diagram 60. Changes in the structure of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 35. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, tons
Table 36. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car export in real terms to the countries of the customs union in 2010 - 2013, pcs
Table 37. Volume of the Russian motor passenger car export in money terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, ths. USD
Schedule 36. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 37. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 38. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by quarters in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 39. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by quarters in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 61. Structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 62. Structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 63. Structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, %
Diagram 64. Volume of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Table 38. Volume of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Table 39. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 40. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 41 Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 42. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by quarters in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 43. Dynamics of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by quarters in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 65. Structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 66. Structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
Diagram 67. Changes in the structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, %
Diagram 68. Changes in the structure of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2012, %
Table 40. Volume of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2013*, tons
Table 41. Volume of the Russian export volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of destination in 2008 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 44. Dynamics of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 45. Dynamics of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms from the countries of the customs union by countries of origin in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Schedule 46. Dynamics of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms from the countries of the customs union by countries of origin in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 47. Dynamics of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 48. Dynamics of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 69. Structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by product type in 2012, %
Diagram 70. Structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by product type in 2012, %
Diagram 71. Changes in the structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by product type in 2009 - 2012, %
Diagram 72. Changes in the structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by product type in 2009 - 2012, %
Table 42. Volume of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by product type in 2009 - 2012, tons
Table 43. Volume of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by product type in 2009 - 2012, ths. USD
Diagram 73. Structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by countries of origin in 2012, %
Diagram 74. Changes in the structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Diagram 75. Changes in the structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Diagram 76. Changes in the structure of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Table 44. Volume of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, tons
Table 45. Volume of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in real terms from the countries of the customs union in 2010 - 2013*, pcs
Table 46. Volume of the Russian import of motor passenger cars in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, ths. USD
Schedule 49. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 50. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 51. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 52. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 77. Structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2012, %
Diagram 78. Structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2012, %
Diagram 79. Changes in the structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Diagram 80. Changes in the structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Table 47. Volume of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, tons
Table 48. Volume of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1500 cm3, but less than 3000 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, ths. USD
Schedule 53. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 54. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Schedule 55. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, tons
Schedule 56. Dynamics of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by quarters in 2009 - 2013*, ths. USD
Diagram 81. Structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2012, %
Diagram 82. Structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2012, %
Diagram 83. Changes in the structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Diagram 84. Changes in the structure of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, %
Table 49. Volume of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in real terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, tons
Table 50. Volume of the Russian import volume of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with cylinder capacity more than 1000 cm3, but less than 1500 cm3 in money terms by countries of origin in 2009 - 2012, ths. USD
Schedule 57. Dynamics of average producer prices for motor passenger cars in 2000 - 2013, ths. rub.
Schedule 58. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new imported motor passenger cars in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 59. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new imported motor passenger cars by quarters in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 60. Dynamics of average consumer prices for used imported motor passenger cars in 2009 - 2013, rus.
Schedule 61. Dynamics of average consumer prices for used imported motor passenger cars by quarters in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 62. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new foreign motor passenger cars assembled in Russia in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 63. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new foreign motor passenger cars assembled in Russia by quarters in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 64. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new domestic motor passenger cars in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 65. Dynamics of average consumer prices for new domestic motor passenger cars by quarters in 2009 - 2013, rub.
Schedule 66. Dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car production in 2008 - 2014* and its forecast for 2020, mln. pcs
Schedule 67. Dynamics of the Russian foreign trade of motor passenger cars in real terms in 2010 - 2013 and its forecast until 2020, ths. pcs
Diagram 85. Import share in the Russian motor passenger car market in 2010 - 2013 and its forecast until 2020, %
Schedule 68. Dynamics of the Russian motor passenger car market in 2010 - 2013 and its forecast until 2020, mln. pcs
Table 51. Shareholders/founder members of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC as for 01.01.2014
Table 52. Industry classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC
Table 53. Production volume of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC in 2009
Table 54. Profit and loss statement of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC
in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 55. Cash flow statement of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC
in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 56. Dynamics of financial activity of «VOLKSWAGEN GROUP RUS» LLC
in 2008 - 2012
Table 57. Shareholders/founder members of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC as for 01.01.2014
Table 58. Industry classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC
Table 59. Balance sheet of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 60. Profit and loss statement of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 61. Cash flow statement of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC
in 2009-2012, ths. rub.
Table 62. Dynamics of financial activity of «TOYOTA MOTOR» LLC in 2008 - 2012
Table 63. Shareholders/founder members of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC as for 01.01.2014
Table 64. Industry classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC
Table 65. Production volume of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC in 2006 - 2009
Table 66. Balance sheet of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC in 2009 - March 2013, ths. rub.
Table 67. Profit and loss statement of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC in 2009 - March 2013, ths. rub.
Table 68. Cash flow statement of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 69. Dynamics of financial activity of «AVTOVAZ» OJSC in 2009 - 2013
Table 70. Shareholders/founder members of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC as for 01.01.2014
Table 71. Industry classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC
Table 72. Production volume of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC in 2009
Table 73. Balance sheet of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 74. Profit and loss statement of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 75. Cash flow statement of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 76. Dynamics of financial activity of «NISSAN MANUFACRURING RUS» LLC
in 2008 - 2012
Table 77. Shareholders/founder members of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC as for 01.01.2014
Table 78. Industry classification as per All-Russian Classification of Products on types of economic activities of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC
Table 79. Balance sheet of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 80. Profit and loss statement of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC in 2009 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 81. Cash flow statement of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC in 2011 - 2012, ths. rub.
Table 82. Dynamics of financial activity of «FORD SOLLERS HOLDING» LLC in 2008 - 2012
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