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Confectionery products and Russian market of confectionery products. Preliminary results of 2013

Confectionery products and Russian market of confectionery products. Preliminary results of 2013

Price английской версии:
70 350 RUB

Price of English version:
2 269$

Price английской версии:
70 350 RUB

Price of English version:
2 269$





Subject of research:


Goal of research:


Regions of research:


Main blocks of research:


Types of flour confectionery products, researched:

Chocolate and chocolate products
Marmalade-pastile products
Confectionery products of sugar not containing cocoa
Hard biscuits
Muffins and rolled cakes
Gingerbread and ginger cakes
Cakes and fancy cakes
Ginger cookies

Largest Russian companies with profiles:


Production volumes, financial activities data, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash-flow statements, the subsidiaries and other data about these main companies were presented.

Information sources used:

Federal State Statistics Service
Economic Development Ministry
Federal Customs Service
Federal Tax Service
Field expert evaluations
Retail sale reports
Materials of the field’s main players
Field print and electronic publications

The research contains 178 schedules, 147 diagrams, 199 tables



Rate of growth, %
In 2010 volume of confectionery goods production in Russia amounted to ** ths tons. This parameter was **% more than in the previous year. In 2011 the positive trend in the confectionery products production in Russia continued. Volume of production reached ** mln tons, having increased by **% compared to 2010.
According to preliminary data, in 2013 ** mln tons of confectionery products will be produced that is ** % more the parameter of 2012.

During the first four months of 2013 over **% of domestic confectionery products were produced by Central FD. One fifth of confectionery products was produced on the territory of Volga FD (**%). The share of Siberian FD in all-Russian structure amounted to 11,4%. One tenth belonged to North Western FD (**%).
North Caucasian FD produced only **% of products.
Central FD
Volga FD
Siberian FD
North Western FD
Southern FD
Ural FD
Far Eastern FD
North Caucasian FD


In cost terms, despite the decrease of confectionery goods supplies in physical terms in physical terms in 2008, cost parameters continued to increase. Import volume increased by one fifth compared to 2007.
In 2010 supplies of confectionery products increased again and exceeded the pre-crisis parameters of 2008 by ** mln dollars. In 2011 total cost of imported products on the Russian customs was estimated at *** mln dollars.
According to preliminary data, in 2013 the rate of growth will slow down **%, parameters will amount to ***ths dollars.
Chocolate and chocolate products

Jams, fruit jellies, marmalade and paste

Confectionery goods of sugar not containing cocoa

Sweet cookies

Wafers and wafer coatings

Ginger cookies

More than one third of the foreign supplies on the Russian market in 2011 belonged to chocolate products (**%). The share of jam, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes was slightly more a quarter of the total import volume (**%). Confectionery goods of sugar, not containing cocoa, had one fifth of the imported supplies on the confectionery goods market (**%), one tenth belonged to cookies (**%). The aggregate share of imported wafers and ginger cookies in import structure did not exceed 3,1%.


Rate of growth, %
In 2010 Russia exported *** ths tons of confectionery products to the external market. Compared to the previous year volumes decreased slightly by *** ths tons or by **%. Along with it, in 2009 the trend to decrease of export supplies outlined. In 2011 these trend changed by the reversed one, product supplies of this segment decreased by **%.

In 2012 export of confectionery products exceeded the level of 2011 by **% and amounted to *** ths tons. It is expected that in 2013 Russia will export *** ths tons of confectionery goods.
Chocolate and chocolate products

Jams, fruit jellies, marmalade and paste

Confectionery goods of sugar not containing cocoa

Sweet cookies

Wafers and wafer coatings

Ginger cookies

A half of Russian export in 2012 belonged to the category of chocolate and chocolate products (**%). Almost one third of Russian supplies on the external market belonged to sugary confectionery goods, not containing cocoa. The third large category is cookies, which had **%. Wafers formed **% in total structure of confectionery goods import. Jam, fruit jelly, marmalade and pastes formed **% of Russian supplies.




1.1. Population of Russia
Number of population
The largest cities
Social standards of living
Economic activity
1.2. Economic situation
Dynamics of economy development
Stability of the state budget
1.3. Position of RF in the world
Share of RF in the world population
2.1. Basic terms and identification characteristics of confectionery products
2.2. Classification of confectionery products
Flour confectionery products
Sugary confectionery products
3.1. Dynamics of the Russian confectionery products volume by years
3.2. Import content on the Russian confectionery products market
3.3. Dynamics of import content on the Russian confectionery products market
3.4. Segmentation of confectionery products market
3.5. Per capita consumption of confectionery products
4.1. Retail sales dynamics of confectionery products by years
4.2. Retail sales dynamics of confectionery products by quarters
4.3. Structure of retail sales of confectionery products by federal districts of RF
4.4. The largest regions of RF by retail sales of confectionery products
4.5. Regional structure of retail sales of confectionery products
5.1. Dynamics of sugary confectionery products volume by years
5.2. Import content of the Russian sugary confectionery products market
5.3. Dynamics of import content of the Russian sugary confectionery products market
5.4. Segmentation of sugary confectionery products market by types
5.5. Per capita consumption of sugary confectionery products
6.1. Dynamics of the Russian flour confectionery products market volume by years in physical terms
6.2. Import content on the Russian flour confectionery products marketОшибка! Закладка не определена.
6.3. Dynamics of import content on the Russian flour confectionery products market
6.4. Segmentation of flour confectionery products market by types
6.5. Per capita consumption of flour confectionery products
7.1. Flour
Dynamics of flour production volumes by years
Dynamics of flour production volumes by months
Flour production volumes in federal districts of RF
Production structure of flour by federal districts
Flour production volumes in regions of RF
Regional production structure of flour
Producer prices for flour
Retail prices for flour
7.2. Sugar
Dynamics of sugar production volumes by years
Dynamics of sugar production volumes by months
Volumes of sugar production in federal districts of RF
Sugar production structure by federal districts of RF
Volumes of sugar production in regions of RF
Regional sugar production structure
Producer prices for sugar-sand
Retail prices for sugar-sand
8.1. Production volumes of confectionery products by years
8.2. Production volumes of confectionery products by months
8.3. Production structure of confectionery products by federal districts of RF
8.4. Production volumes of confectionery products in regions of RF
8.5. Regional production structure of confectionery products
9.1. Segmentation of production by groups of confectionery products
9.2. Segmentation of production by types of confectionery products
10.1. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
10.2. Production structure by the largest enterprises
11.1. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by years
11.2. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by months
11.3. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods in federal districts of RF
11.4. Production structure of sugary confectionery goods by federal districts of RF
11.5. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods in regions of RF
11.6. Regional production structure of sugary confectionery goods
11.7.Segmentation of production by types of sugary confectionery goods
12.1. Caramel (in general)
Caramel, glazed with chocolate
Caramel vitaminized and medical and preventive
12.2. Chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed
Chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder)
Chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed
Chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed
Chocolate sweets, containing alcohol
Chocolate sweets other
Sugary confectionery goods, containing cocoa
12.3. Khalva
12.4. Marmalade
12.5. Lucuma
12.6. Toffee
12.7. Sugarplum
12.8. Eastern sweets
13.1. Sugary confectionery goods
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.2. Caramel
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.3. Caramel, glazed with chocolate
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.4. Candies, glazed with chocolate and milk-chocolate glaze
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.5. Marmalade-pastile products
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.6. Chocolate and chocolate products
Production volumes of the largest enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
13.7. Khalva
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest enterprises
14.1. Dynamics of flour confectionery products production volumes by years
14.2. Dynamics of flour confectionery products production volumes by months
14.3. Production volumes of flour confectionery products in federal districts of RF
14.4. Production structure of flour confectionery products by federal districts of RF
14.5. Production volumes of flour confectionery products in regions of RF
14.6. Regional production structure of flour confectionery products
14.7. Segmentation of production by types of flour confectionery products
15.1. Flour confectionery products of long-term storage
Sweet cookies
Ginger cookies
Hard biscuits and crackers
Rolled cakes
Ginger cakes
Rum cake
15.2. Flour confectionery products of short-term storage
Fancy cakes
Eastern sweets
16.1. Flour confectionery goods (in general)
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.2. Wafers
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.3. Hard biscuits and crackers
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.4. Muffins, rums and rolled cakes
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.5. Cookies
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.6. Gingerbread and ginger cakes
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.7.Cakes and fancy cakes
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
16.8. Eastern sweets and other confectionery goods
Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises
Production structure by the largest Russian enterprises
17.1. Confectionery products (in general)
Dynamics of import volume by years and months
17.2. Wafers
Dynamics of import volume by years
Import structure by supplying countries
17.3. Cookies
Dynamics of cookies import volume by years
Import structure by supplying countries
17.4. Ginger cookies
Dynamics of import volume by years
Import structure by supplying countries
17.5. Confectionery products of sugar not containing cocoa
Dynamics of import volume
Import structure by supplying countries
17.6. Chocolate and chocolate products
Dynamics of import volume
Import structure by supplying countries
17.7. Jams, marmalades and pastes
Dynamics of import volume
Import structure by supplying countries
18. ANALYSIS of confectionery products export
18.1. Confectionery products (in general)
Dynamics of export volume
18.2. Wafers
Dynamics of export volumes by years
Export structure by countries of destination
18.3. Cookies
Dynamics of export volumes by years
Export structure by countries of destination
18.4. Ginger cookies
Dynamics of export volumes by years
Export structure by countries of destination
18.5. Confectionery products of sugar not containing cocoa
Dynamics of export volume
Export structure by countries of destination
18.6. Chocolate and chocolate products
Dynamics of export volume
Export structure by countries of destination
18.7. Jams, marmalades and pastes
Dynamics of export volume
Export structure by countries of destination
19.1. Cakes and fancy cakes
Dynamics of average producer prices for cakes and fancy cakes by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for cakes and fancy cakes by months
19.2. Wafers
Dynamics of average producer prices for wafers by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for wafers by months
19.3. Cookies
Dynamics of average producer prices for cookies by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for cookies by months
19.4. Gingerbread and ginger cakes
Dynamics of average producer prices for gingerbread and ginger cakes by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for gingerbread and ginger cakes by months
19.5. Sugary confectionery goods
Dynamics of average producer prices for sugary confectionery goods by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for sugary confectionery goods by months
19.6. Caramel
Dynamics of average producer prices for caramel by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for caramel by months
19.7. Soft candies, glazed with chocolate
Dynamics of average producer prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate, by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate, by months
19.8. Marmalade and pastile products
Dynamics of average producer prices for marmalade and pastile products by years
Dynamics of average producer prices for marmalade and pastile products by months
19.9. Chocolate and chocolate products
Dynamics of average producer prices by years
Dynamics of average producer prices by months
19.10. Pastile and toffee
Dynamics of average producer prices by years
Dynamics of average producer prices by months
20.1. Cookies
Dynamics of average retail prices for cookies by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for cookies by months
20.2. Gingerbread
Dynamics of average retail prices for gingerbread by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for gingerbread by months
20.3. Muffins and rolled cakes
Dynamics of average retail prices for muffins and rolled cakes by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for muffins and rolled cakes by months
20.4. Cakes
Dynamics of average retail prices for cakes by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for cakes by months
20.5. Caramel
Dynamics of average retail prices for caramel by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for caramel by months
20.6. Candies, glazed with chocolate
Dynamics of average retail prices for candies, glazed with chocolate, by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for candies, glazed with chocolate, by months
20.7. Natural chocolate candies with additives
Dynamics of average retail prices by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for chocolate by months
20.8. Chocolate
Dynamics of average retail prices for chocolate by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for chocolate by months
20.9. Toffee and pastile
Dynamics of average retail prices for toffee and pastile by years
Dynamics of average retail prices for toffee and pastile by months
23.1. Consumer preferences on the market of sugary confectionery goods
23.2. Preferences on the chocolate market
23.3. Consumer preferences on the market of flour confectionery products
23.4. Preferences by brands of cookies, biscuits
24.1. «Mars» LLC
Reference information
Types of activity
Volumes of production
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
24.2. «Roshen» LKF JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Volumes of production
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
24.3. «Konti-Rus» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Volumes of production
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
24.4. «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC
Reference information
Types of activity
Volumes of production
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity
24.5. «Rot Front» JSC
Reference information
Types of activity
Volumes of production
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Cash flow statement
Financials of activity





Schedule 1. Number of population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths people
Schedule 2. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in three variants of forecast in 2011-2031, ths people
Diagram 1. Structure of the population of Russia compared to the working age people in 2011-2031, % (medium variant of the forecast)
Table 1. Population number of the largest cities in Russia according to the data of all-Russian Census of 2002 and 2010 and as of January 1, 2013, ths people
Schedule 3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of the population and annual rate of growth in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 4. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in three variants of forecast in 2011-2031
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the number of employed and unemployed people in Russia in 2000-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln people
Schedule 5. Dynamics of the share of the unemployed in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %
Schedule 6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2012, % to GDP
Schedule 9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share of GDP in 2009-2013 (as of January 1), billion dollars
Diagram 3. Change of structure of the external debt of RF in 2009-2013 (as of January 1), %
Schedule 10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year
Schedule 11. Dynamics of RF and world population in 2000-2012 and forecast until 2100, mln people
Schedule 12. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %
Schedule 13. Dynamics of the volume of Russian market of confectionery products in 2007-2013*, ths tons
Diagram 4. Import content on the Russian confectionery goods market
in physical terms in 2013*, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of confectionery products in 2007-2013*, %
Diagram 6. Change of structure of Russian market of confectionery products by categories in 2007-2013*, %
Diagram 7. Change of structure of confectionery products market by types in 2010-2012, %
Schedule 14. Per capita consumption of confectionery products in Russia in 2007-2012, kg/person
Schedule 15. Dynamics of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia in 2009-2013*, billion rubles
Schedule 16. Dynamics of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia by quarters in 2009- March 2013, billion rubles
Table 2. Volumes of retail sales of confectionery products by quarters in 2009-March 2013, bln rubles
Table 3. Volumes of retail sales of confectionery products in federal districts of RF in 2009-March 2013, ths rubles
Diagram 8. Structure of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia by federal districts in 1 quarter of 2013, %
Diagram 9. Change of structure of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 17. Largest regions of Russia by volumes of retail sales of confectionery products in January-March 2013, billion rubles
Table 4. Volumes of retail sales of confectionery products by regions of RF in 2009-March 2013, ths rubles
Diagram 10. Regional structure of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia in January-March 2013, %
Diagram 11. Change of regional structure of retail sales of confectionery products in Russia in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 18. Dynamics of the volume of Russian market of sugary confectionery goods in 2007-2013*, ths tons
Diagram 12. Import content on the Russian market of sugary confectionery goods in 2013*, %
Diagram 13. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of sugary confectionery goods in 2007-2013*, %
Diagram 14. Change of structure of Russian market of sugary confectionery goods in 2010-2012, %
Schedule 19. Per capita consumption of sugary confectionery products in Russia in 2007-2012, kg/person
Schedule 20. Dynamics of the volume of Russian market of flour confectionery products in 2007-2013*, ths tons
Diagram 15. Import content on the Russian market of flour confectionery products in 2013*, %
Diagram 16. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of flour confectionery products in 2007-2013*, %
Diagram 17. Change of structure of Russian market of flour confectionery products by types in 2010-2012, %
Schedule 21. Per capita consumption of flour confectionery products in Russia in 2007-2012, kg/person
Schedule 22. Dynamics of volumes of Russian flour production in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 23. Dynamics of volumes of Russian flour production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 5. Dynamics of the volume of Russian flour production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 6. Volumes of flour production in federal districts of Russia in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 24. Dynamics of flour production in federal districts of Russia in 2009-2012, tons
Diagram 18. Change of structure of Russian flour production by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Table 7. Volumes of flour production in regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 19. Change of regional structure of Russian flour production in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 25. Dynamics of average producer prices for flour in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 8. Dynamics of average producer prices for flour in RF by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 26. Dynamics of average retail prices for wheat flour in RF in 2007-2012*, rub/kg
Table 9. Dynamics of average retail prices for wheat flour by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 27. Dynamics of volumes of Russian sugar production in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 28. Dynamics of volumes of Russian sugar production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 10. Dynamics of the volume of Russian sugar production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 11. Production volumes sugar-sand in federal districts of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 29. Dynamics of sugar production in federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 20. Change of structure of Russian sugar production by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Table 12. Production volumes sugar-sand by regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 21. Change of structure of Russian sugar production by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 30. Dynamics of average producer prices for sugar-sand in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 13. Dynamics of average producer prices for sugar-sand in RF by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 31. Dynamics of average retail prices for sugar-sand in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 14. Dynamics of average retail prices for sugar-sand in RF by months in 2007-2012, rub/kg
Schedule 32. Dynamics of volumes of Russian confectionery products production in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 33. Dynamics of volumes of Russian confectionery products production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 15. Volume of Russian confectionery products production by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 16. Production volumes of confectionery products by federal districts of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 34. Dynamics of confectionery products production in largest federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 22. Structure of Russian confectionery products production by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Diagram 23. Change of structure of Russian confectionery products production by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 35. Dynamics of confectionery products production in largest regions of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Table 17. Production volumes of confectionery products by regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 24. Regional structure of Russian confectionery products production in January-April 2013, %
Diagram 25. Change of regional structure of Russian confectionery products production in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 26. Structure of Russian confectionery products production by categories in 2013*, %
Diagram 27. Change of structure of Russian confectionery products production by categories in 2007-2012, %
Diagram 28. Change of structure of Russian confectionery products production by types in 2010-2012*, %
Table 18. Production volumes of confectionery products by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Table 19. Regional distribution of twenty largest Russian producers of confectionery products
Schedule 36. Dynamics of confectionery products production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 29. Shares of the largest enterprises in all-Russian production of confectionery products in 2009, %
Schedule 37. Dynamics of sugary confectionery goods production volumes in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 38. Dynamics of sugary confectionery goods production volumes by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 20. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 21. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by federal districts of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 39. Dynamics of sugary confectionery goods production by federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 30. Structure of Russian production of sugary confectionery goods by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Diagram 31. Change of structure of Russian production of sugary confectionery goods by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Schedule 40. Dynamics of sugary confectionery goods production by regions of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Table 22. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 32. Regional structure of Russian production of sugary confectionery goods in January-April 2013, %
Diagram 33. Change of regional structure of Russian production of sugary confectionery goods in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 34. Change of structure of Russian production of sugary confectionery goods by types in 2010-2012*, %
Schedule 41. Dynamics of Russian caramel production volumes in 2007-2013*, tons
Diagram 35. Share of caramel, glazed with chocolate in all-Russian structure of caramel production in 2009-2013*, %
Diagram 36. Structure of Russian caramel production by types in January-April 2013, %
Table 23. Volumes of Russian caramel production by types in physical terms in 2009-April 2013, tons
Table 24. Production volumes of caramel in largest federal districts of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 42. Dynamics of Russian caramel production volumes by federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 37. Change of structure of Russian caramel production by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
Table 25. Production volumes of caramel and by regions of RF in 2007-2012, tons
Schedule 43. Dynamics of Russian caramel production volumes by regions of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 38. Change of regional structure of Russian caramel production in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 39. Regional structure of Russian caramel production in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 44. Dynamics of Russian caramel production volumes, glazed with chocolate in 2007-2013*, tons
Diagram 40. Change of structure of Russian production of caramel, glazed with chocolate by types in 2010-April 2013*, %
Table 26. Production volumes of caramel, glazed with chocolate, by types in physical terms in 2009-April 2013, %
Table 27. Production volumes of caramel, glazed with chocolate, in largest federal districts of RF in 2007-October 2012, tons
Diagram 41. Dynamics of Russian caramel production volumes, glazed with chocolate by federal districts in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 42. Change of structure of Russian production of caramel, glazed with chocolate by federal districts in 2009-April 2013, %
Table 28. Production volumes of caramel glazed with chocolate, and by regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 43. Change of regional structure of Russian production of caramel, glazed with chocolate in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 44. Regional structure of Russian production of caramel, glazed with chocolate in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 45. Dynamics of the volume of Russian vitaminized and medical and preventive caramel production in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 29. Production volumes of caramel vitaminized and medical preventive in federal districts and regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 45. Structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by types in 2013*, %
Schedule 46. Dynamics of the volume of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 30. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed, in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 46. Structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 47. Change of structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 31. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed, in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 48. Regional structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed in 2011, %
Schedule 47. Dynamics of the volume of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed in 2011-2013*, tons
Table 32. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by months in 2011-April 2013, tons
Table 33. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by federal districts of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 49. Structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Table 34. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed by regions of RF in 2011-October 2012, tons
Diagram 50. Regional structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), packed in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 48. Dynamics of the volume of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed in 2011-2013*, tons
Table 35. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed by months in 2011-April 2013, tons
Table 36. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed by federal districts of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 51. Structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Table 37. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed by regions of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 52. Regional structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings, with addition of cereal grain, fruit and nuts, packed in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 49. Dynamics of the volume of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed in 2011-2013*, tons
Table 38. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed by months in 2011-April 2013, tons
Table 39. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed by federal districts of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 53. Structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Table 40. Production volumes of chocolate and food products, containing cocoa (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed by regions of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 54. Regional structure of Russian chocolate and food products containing cocoa production (besides sweetened cocoa powder), besides fillings and without additives, packed in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 50. Dynamics of the volume of Russian chocolate candies, containing alcohol, production, in 2011-2013*, tons
Table 41. Production volumes of chocolate candies, containing alcohol, by months in 2011-April 2013, tons
Table 42. Production volumes of chocolate candies, containing alcohol, by federal districts of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 55. Structure of Russian chocolate candies, containing alcohol, production, by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Table 43. Production volumes of chocolate candies, containing alcohol, by regions of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 56. Regional structure of Russian chocolate candies, containing alcohol, production, in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 51. Dynamics of the volume of Russian other chocolate candies production in 2011-2013*, tons
Table 44. Production volumes of other chocolate candies by months in 2011-April 2013, tons
Table 45. Production volumes of other chocolate candies by federal districts of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 57. Structure of Russian other chocolate candies production by federal districts in January-April 2013, %
Table 46. Production volumes of other chocolate candies by regions of RF in 2011-April 2013, tons
Diagram 58. Regional structure of Russian other chocolate candies production in January-April 2013, %
Schedule 52. Dynamics of the volume of Russian confectionery products production, containing cocoa, in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 47. Production volumes of confectionery products, containing cocoa, in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 59. Structure of Russian confectionery products production, containing cocoa by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 60. Change of structure of Russian confectionery products production, containing cocoa, by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 48. Production volumes of confectionery products, containing cocoa, in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 61. Regional structure of Russian confectionery products production, containing cocoa, in 2011, %
Schedule 53. Dynamics of the Russian khalva production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 49. Volumes of khalva production in federal districts and regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 62. Structure of Russian khalva production by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 63. Change of structure of Russian production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Diagram 64. Production structure of marmalade-pastile products by types in 2012*, %
Schedule 54. Dynamics of the Russian marmalade and pastille goods production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 50. Production volumes of marmalade-pastile products in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 65. Structure of Russian production of marmalade-pastile products by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 66. Change of structure of Russian production of marmalade-pastile products by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 51. Production volumes of marmalade-pastile products in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Schedule 55. Dynamics of the Russian lucuma production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 52. Volumes of lucuma production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 67. Structure of Russian lucuma production by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 68. Change of structure of Russian lucuma production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 53. Volumes of lucuma production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Schedule 56. Dynamics of the Russian toffee production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 54. Volumes of toffee production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 69. Structure of Russian production toffee by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 70. Change of structure of Russian production toffee by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 55. Volumes of toffee production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Schedule 57. Dynamics of the Russian sugarplum production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 56. Volumes of sugarplum production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 71. Structure of Russian sugarplum production by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 72. Change of structure of Russian sugarplum production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 57. Volumes of sugarplum production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Schedule 58. Dynamics of the Russian eastern sweets production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 58. Volumes of eastern sweets production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 73. Structure of Russian eastern sweets production by federal districts in 2011, %
Diagram 74. Change of structure of Russian eastern sweets production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 59. Volumes of eastern sweets production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Table 60. Production volumes of sugary confectionery goods by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Schedule 59. Dynamics of Russian sugary confectionery goods production volume on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, tons
Diagram 75. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of sugary confectionery goods in 2009, %
Table 61. Production volumes of caramel by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 60. Dynamics of volumes caramel production on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 76. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian caramel production in 2009, %
Table 62. Production volumes of caramel, glazed with chocolate, by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 61. Dynamics of caramel, glazed with chocolate, production volumes, on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 77. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of caramel, glazed with chocolate in 2009, %
Table 63. Production volumes of candies, glazed with chocolate and chocolate-milk glazing, by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Schedule 62. Dynamics of candied, glazed with chocolate and chocolate-milk glazing, production volumes, on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, tons
Diagram 78. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian candies, glazed with chocolate and milk-chocolate glazing, production, in 2009, %
Table 64. Production volumes of marmalade-pastile products by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Schedule 63. Dynamics of marmalade-pastile goods production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, tons
Diagram 79. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of marmalade-pastile products in 2009, %
Table 65. Production volumes chocolate by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Schedule 64. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate goods production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, tons
Diagram 80. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of chocolate and chocolate products in 2009, %
Table 66. Volumes of khalva production by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Schedule 65. Dynamics of khalva production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, tons
Diagram 81. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian khalva production in 2009, %
Schedule 66. Dynamics of Russian flour confectionery goods production volumes in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 67. Dynamics of Russian flour confectionery goods production volumes by months in 2007-April 2013, tons
Table 67. Dynamics of the volume of Russian production of flour confectionery products by months in 2009-April 2013, tons
Table 68. Production volumes of flour confectionery products by federal districts of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Schedule 68. Dynamics of flour confectionery goods production in largest federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 82. Change of structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products by federal districts in 2009-April 2013, %
Table 69. Production volumes of flour confectionery products by regions of RF in 2007-April 2013, tons
Diagram 83. Change of regional structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products in 2009-April 2013, %
Diagram 84. Change of structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products by types in 2010-1 quarter 2013, %
Diagram 85. Change of structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products by types in 2010-2012*, %
Schedule 69. Dynamics of Russian flour confectionery goods of long-term storage production volumes in 2009-2013*, tons
Table 70. Production volumes of flour confectionery products of long-term storage in federal districts of RF in 2009-April 2013, tons
Schedule 70. Dynamics of confectionery goods of long-term storage production in largest federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 86. Change of structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products of long-term storage by federal districts in 2009-April 2013, %
Table 71. Production volumes of flour confectionery products of long-term storage in regions of RF in 2009-April 2013, tons
Schedule 71. Dynamics of confectionery goods of long-term storage production in largest regions of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 87. Change of regional structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products of long-term storage in 2009-April 2013, %
Schedule 72. Dynamics of Russian wafers production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 72. Dynamics of wafers production in largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 88. Change of structure of Russian wafers production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 73. Volumes of wafers production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 89. Regional structure of Russian wafers production in 2010, %
Schedule 73. Dynamics of Russian sweet cookies production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 74. Production volumes of sweet cookies in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 90. Change of structure of Russian sweet cookies production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 75. Production volumes of sweet cookies in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 91. Change of regional structure of Russian sweet cookies production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 74. Dynamics of Russian ginger cookies production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 76. Production volumes of ginger cookies in federal districts and regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 92. Regional structure of Russian ginger cookies production in 2010, %
Schedule 75. Dynamics of Russian hard biscuits and crackers production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 77. Production volumes of hard biscuits and crackers in federal districts and regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 93. Change of structure of Russian hard biscuits and crackers production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 76. Dynamics of Russian muffins production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 78. Volumes of muffins production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 94. Change of structure of Russian muffins production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 79. Volumes of muffins production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 95. Change of regional structure of Russian muffins production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 77. Dynamics of Russian rolled cakes production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 80. Volumes of rolled cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 96. Change of structure of Russian rolled cakes production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 81. Volumes of rolled cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 97. Change of regional structure of Russian rolled cakes production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 78. Dynamics of Russian spice cakes production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 82. Volumes of spice cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 98. Change of structure of Russian ginger bread production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 83. Volumes of spice cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 99. Change of regional structure of Russian ginger bread production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 79. Dynamics of Russian gingerbread production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 84. Volumes of ginger cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 100. Change of structure of Russian ginger cakes production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 85. Volumes of ginger cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 101. Regional structure of Russian ginger cakes production in 2010, %
Schedule 80. Dynamics of Russian rum cakes production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 86. Volumes of rum cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 102. Change of structure of Russian rum cakes production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 87. Volumes of rum cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Schedule 81. Dynamics of Russian flour confectionery goods of short-term storage production volumes in 2010-2013*, tons
Table 88. Production volumes of flour confectionery products of short-term storage by federal districts of RF in 2010-April 2013, tons
Schedule 82. Dynamics of flour confectionery goods of short-term storage production in largest federal districts of Russia in 2010-2012, tons
Diagram 103. Change of structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products of short-term storage by federal districts in 2010-April 2013, %
Table 89. Production volumes of flour confectionery products of short-term storage by regions of RF in 2010-April 2013, tons
Diagram 104. Change of regional structure of Russian production of flour confectionery products of short-term storage in 2010-April 2013, %
Schedule 83. Dynamics of Russian cakes production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 90. Volumes of cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 105. Change of structure of Russian cakes production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 91. Volumes of cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 106. Change of regional structure of Russian cakes production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 84. Dynamics of Russian fancy cakes production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 92. Volumes of fancy cakes production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 107. Change of structure of Russian fancy cakes production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 93. Volumes of fancy cakes production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 108. Change of regional structure of Russian fancy cakes production in 2010-2011, %
Schedule 85. Dynamics of the Russian eastern sweets production volume in 2010-2012*, tons
Table 94. Volumes of eastern sweets production in federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 109. Change of structure of Russian eastern sweets production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %
Table 95. Volumes of eastern sweets production in regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons
Diagram 110. Change of regional structure of Russian eastern sweets production in 2010-2011, %
Table 96. Production volumes of flour confectionery products by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 86. Dynamics of flour confectionery goods production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 111. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of flour confectionery products in 2009, %
Table 97. Volumes of wafers production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 87. Dynamics of wafers production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 112. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian wafers production in 2009, %
Table 98. Production volumes of hard biscuits and crackers by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 88. Dynamics of hard biscuits and crackers production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 113. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian hard biscuits and crackers production in 2009, %
Table 99. Volumes of muffins production, rums and rolled cakes by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 89. Dynamics of muffins, rums and rolled cakes production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 114. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian muffins production, rums and rolled cakes in 2009, %
Table 100. Volumes of cookies production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 90. Dynamics of cookies production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 115. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian cookies production in 2009, %
Table 101. Volumes of spice cakes and ginger cakes production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 91. Dynamics of spice cakes and gingerbread production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 116. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian gingerbread and ginger cakes production in 2009, %
Table 102. Volumes of cakes and fancy cakes production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 92. Dynamics of cakes and fancy cakes production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 117. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian cakes and fancy cakes production in 2009, %
Table 103. Volumes of flour eastern sweets production by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons
Schedule 93. Dynamics of flour eastern sweets production volumes on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons
Diagram 118. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian flour eastern sweets production in 2009, %
Schedule 94. Dynamics of confectionery products import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 95. Dynamics of confectionery products import in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Diagram 119. Change of import structure of confectionery products by types in physical terms in 2011-2012, %
Schedule 96. Dynamics of wafers and wafer coatings import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 97. Dynamics of wafers and wafer coatings import in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 104. Volumes of Russian of wafers and wafer coatings import by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 120. Change of structure of wafers and wafer coatings import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 105. Volumes of Russian of wafers and wafer coatings import by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 121. Change of structure of wafers and wafer coatings import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 98. Dynamics of dry sweet cookies import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 99. Dynamics of dry sweet cookies import in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 106. Volumes of Russian import of sweet cookies by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 122. Change of structure of dry sweet cookies import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 107. Volumes of Russian import of sweet cookies by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 123. Change of structure of dry sweet cookies import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 100. Dynamics of ginger cookies and similar products import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 101. Dynamics of ginger cookies and similar products import in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 108. Volumes of Russian import of ginger cookies by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 124. Change of structure ginger cookies and similar products import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 109. Volumes of Russian import of ginger cookies by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 125. Change of structure ginger cookies and similar products import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 102. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, import, in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 103. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, import, in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Schedule 104. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, import, by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 110. Volumes of Russian of sugary confectionery goods import, not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 105. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, import, by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 111. Volumes of Russian of sugary confectionery goods import, not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 112. Volumes of Russian of sugary confectionery goods import, not containing cocoa, by countries of origin in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 126. Change of structure of sugary confectionery goods import (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 113. Volumes of Russian import of confectionery products, not containing cocoa, by countries of origin in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 127. Change of structure of sugary confectionery goods import (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 106. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 107. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products import in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Schedule 108. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products import by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 114. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products import by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 109. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products import by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 115. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products import by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 116. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products import by countries of origin in 2007- 2012, tons
Diagram 128. Change of structure of chocolate and chocolate products import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 117. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products import by countries of origin in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 129. Change of structure of chocolate and chocolate products import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 110. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and purees import in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 111. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and purees import in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Schedule 112. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and purees import by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 118. Volumes of Russian export of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 113. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and purees import by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 119. Volumes of Russian import of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 120. Volumes of Russian import of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by countries of origin in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 130. Change of structure jams, marmalades, pastes and puree import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 121. Volumes of Russian import of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by countries of origin in 2007-2 012, ths dollars
Diagram 131. Change of structure jams, marmalades, pastes and puree import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
18. ANALYSIS of confectionery products export
Schedule 114. Dynamics of confectionery products export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 115. Dynamics of confectionery products export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Diagram 132. Change of structure of confectionery products export by types in physical terms in 2011-2012, %
Schedule 116. Dynamics of wafer coatings and wafers export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 117. Dynamics of wafer coatings and wafers export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 122. Volumes of Russian export of wafers by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 133. Change of structure wafers and wafer coatings export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 123. Volumes of Russian export of wafers by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 134. Change of structure wafers and wafer coatings export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 118. Dynamics of dry sweet cookies export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 119. Dynamics of dry sweet cookies export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 124. Volumes of Russian export of sweet cookies by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 135. Change of structure dry sweet cookies export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 125. Volumes of Russian export of sweet cookies by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 136. Change of structure dry sweet cookies export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 120. Dynamics of ginger cookies and similar products export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 121. Dynamics of ginger cookies and similar products export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Table 126. Volumes of Russian export of ginger cookies by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 137. Change of structure ginger cookies and similar products export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 127. Volumes of Russian export of ginger cookies by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 138. Change of structure ginger cookies and similar products export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 122. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 123. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Schedule 124. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 128. Volumes of sugary confectionery products export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 125. Dynamics of confectionery products made of sugar export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 129. Volumes of sugary confectionery products export (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 130. Volumes of Russian of confectionery products export, not containing cocoa, by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 139. Change of export structure of sugary confectionery products (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 131. Volumes of Russian of confectionery products export, not containing cocoa, by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Diagram 140. Change of structure of chocolate and chocolate products export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 126. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 127. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Schedule 128. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products export by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 132. Volumes of chocolate and chocolate products export by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 129. Dynamics of chocolate and chocolate products export by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 133. Volumes of chocolate and chocolate products export by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 134. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products export by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 141. Change of structure jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 135. Volumes of Russian of chocolate and chocolate products export by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths dollars
Table 136. Change of structure of chocolate and chocolate products export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Schedule 130. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 131. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export in 2007-2013*, ths dollars
Schedule 132. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Table 137. Volumes of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by months in 2007-March 2013, tons
Schedule 133. Dynamics of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 138. Volumes of jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by months in 2007-March 2013, ths dollars
Table 139. Volumes of Russian export of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
Diagram 142. Change of structure jams, marmalades, pastes and puree export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012, %
Table 140. Volumes of Russian export of jams, fruit jelly, marmalades and pastes by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths dollars
Diagram 143. Structure of sugary confectionery goods market by the leading producers in 2012 in cost terms, %
Schedule 134. Dynamics of average producer prices for cakes and fancy cakes in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 135. Dynamics of average producer prices for cakes and fancy cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 141. Average producer prices for cakes and fancy cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 136. Dynamics of average producer prices for wafers in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 137. Dynamics of average producer prices for wafers in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 142. Average producer prices for wafers in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 138. Dynamics of average producer prices for cookies in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 139. Dynamics of average producer prices for cookies in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 143. Average producer prices for cookies in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 140. Average producer prices for Sweet cookies and hard biscuits, crackers in Russia in 2010-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 141. Dynamics of average producer prices for gingerbread and ginger cakes in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 142. Dynamics of average producer prices for gingerbread and ginger cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 144. Average producer prices for gingerbread and ginger cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 143. Dynamics of average producer prices for sugary confectionery goods in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 144. Dynamics of average producer prices for sugary confectionery goods in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 145. Average producer prices for sugary confectionery goods in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 145. Dynamics of average producer prices for caramel in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 146. Dynamics of average producer prices for caramel in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 146. Average producer prices for caramel in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 147. Dynamics of average producer prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 148. Dynamics of average producer prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 147. Average producer prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 149. Dynamics of average producer prices for marmalade-pastile products in Russia in 2009-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 150. Dynamics of average producer prices for marmalade-pastile products in Russia by months in 2009-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 148. Average producer prices for marmalade-pastile products in Russia by months in 2009-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 151. Dynamics of average producer prices for chocolate and chocolate products in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 152. Dynamics of average producer prices for chocolate and chocolate products in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 149. Average producer prices for chocolate and chocolate products in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 153. Dynamics of average producer prices for pastile and toffee in Russia in 2010-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 154. Dynamics of average producer prices for pastile and toffee in Russia by months in 2010-April 2013, rub/ton
Table 150. Average producer prices for pastile and toffee in Russia by months in 2010-April 2013, rub/ton
Schedule 155. Dynamics of average retail prices for cookies in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 156. Dynamics of average retail prices for cookies in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 151. Average retail prices for cookies in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 157. Dynamics of average retail prices for gingerbread in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 158. Dynamics of average retail prices for gingerbread in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 152. Average retail prices for gingerbread in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 159. Dynamics of average retail prices for muffins and rolled cakes in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 160. Dynamics of average retail prices for muffins and rolled cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 153. Average retail prices for muffins and rolled cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 161. Dynamics of average retail prices for cakes in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 162. Dynamics of average retail prices for cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 154. Average retail prices for cakes in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 163. Dynamics of average retail prices for caramel in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 164. Dynamics of average retail prices for caramel in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 155. Average retail prices for caramel in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 165. Dynamics of average retail prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate, in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 166. Dynamics of average retail prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 156. Average retail prices for soft candies, glazed with chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 167. Dynamics of average retail prices for natural chocolate candies with additives in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 168. Dynamics of average retail prices for natural chocolate candies with additives in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 157. Average retail prices for natural chocolate candies with additives in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 169. Dynamics of average retail prices for chocolate in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 170. Dynamics of average retail prices for chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 158. Average retail prices for chocolate in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 171. Dynamics of average retail prices for pastile and toffee in Russia in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Schedule 172. Dynamics of average retail prices for pastile and toffee in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Table 159. Dynamics of average retail prices for pastile and toffee in Russia by months in 2007-April 2013, rub/kg
Diagram 144. Structure of sugary confectionery goods market by the leading producers in 2012 in cost terms, %
Diagram 145. Structure of sugary confectionery goods market by the leading brands in 2012 in cost terms, %
Diagram 146. Structure consumer preferences by producers of chocolate products, in 2012, % of the number of respondents
Diagram 147. Frequency of chocolate purchases in 2012, %
Schedule 173. Preferences in the place of chocolate purchase in Moscow in 2012, %
Schedule 174. Situations when consumers buy chocolate, %
Schedule 175. Type of chocolate, bought most often, %
Schedule 176. Brand of chocolate, bought by consumers during three months before polling in 2012, %
Schedule 175. Consumer preferences by brands of cookies, biscuits and crackers
in the 1 half of 2011, %
Table 160. Number of personnel of «Mars» LLC, people
Table 161. Shareholders/founders of «Mars» LLC
Table 162. Subsidiaries of «Mars» LLC
Table 163. Production volumes of «Mars» LLC
Table 164. Balance sheet of «Mars» LLC, ths rubles
Table 165. Profit and loss statement of «Mars» LLC, ths rubles
Table 166. Cash flow statement of «Mars» LLC, ths rubles
Table 167. Financials dynamics of «Mars» LLC
Table 168. Number of personnel of «LKF «Roshen» JSC, people
Table 169. Shareholders/founders of «LKF «Roshen» JSC
Table 170. Subsidiaries of «LKF «Roshen» JSC
Table 171. Volumes of production of «LKF «Roshen» JSC
Table 172. Balance sheet «LKF «Roshen» JSC, ths rubles
Table 173. Profit and loss statement of «LKF «Roshen» JSC, ths rubles
Table 174. Cash flow statement of «LKF «Roshen» JSC, ths rubles
Table 175. Financials dynamics of «LKF «Roshen» JSC
Table 176. Number of personnel of «Konti-Rus» JSC, people
Table 177. Shareholders/founders of «Konti-Rus» JSC
Table 178. Subsidiaries of «Konti-Rus» JSC
Table 179. Production volumes of «Konti-Rus» JSC
Table 180. Balance sheet of «Konti-Rus» JSC, ths rubles
Table 181. Profit and loss statement of «Konti-Rus» JSC, ths rubles
Table 182. Cash flow statement of «Konti-Rus» JSC, ths rubles
Table 183. Financials dynamics of «Konti-Rus» JSC
Table 184. Number of personnel of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC, people
Table 185. Shareholders/founders of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC
Table 186. Subsidiaries of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC
Table 187. Production volumes of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC
Table 188. Balance sheet of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC, ths rubles
Table 189. Profit and loss statement of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC, ths rubles
Table 190. Cash flow statement of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC, ths rubles
Table 191. Financials dynamics of «Kraft Foods Rus» LLC
Table 192. Number of personnel of «Rot Front» JSC, people
Table 193. Shareholders/founders of «Rot Front» JSC
Table 194. Subsidiaries of «Rot Front» JSC
Table 195. Production volumes of «Rot Front» JSC
Table 196. Balance sheet of «Rot Front» JSC, ths rubles
Table 197. Profit and loss statement of «Rot Front» JSC, ths rubles
Table 198. Cash flow statement of «Rot Front» JSC, ths rubles
Table 199. Financials dynamics of «Rot Front» JSC25. FORECAST OF THE CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS MARKET DEVELOPMENT FOR 2012-2016
Schedule 177. Dynamics of the volume of Russian market of confectionery products in 2007-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, ths tons
Schedule 178. Dynamics of import content on the confectionery goods market in 2007-2016, %


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