+7 (499) 444-11-26 Реализация инвестиционных проектов в России

Analytical group Intesco Research Group (ООО «Intesco»)

A market leader in the field of marketing research and business planning *. Innovative methods of research, individual approach to each client and high qualification of employees allow us to offer quality solutions for problems of any complexity.

The bank finished projects


Project experience

Project of a transport company in Ufa

Intesco Research Group was addressed by initiators of creation of a company dealing with cargo transportation by road trains with the office in Ufa. According to their idea, project implementation should include: 1. creation of a car fleet meeting all modern requirements of the market of cargo transportation; 2. leasing of the parking lot equipped with all required technical facilities for repairs and fueling of vehicles...


Construction of a plant for production of mineral and mineralized water

An honorable place in the range of business plans developed by specialists of Intesco Research Group belongs to the project on construction of a plant for production of mineral and mineralized water in the town of Belorechensk of Krasnodar Krai. Having conducted a market research, our specialists revealed a high demand for bottled drinks, especially in the warm time of the year. Besides, the region is rich in natural water sources.